Chapter 23

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Samantha's POV 

For the next few days all I did was training.

This time though it wasn’t the usual fight training. Cole’s mother, the former Queen, was training me in order to be ready when I will officially take her place. The training consisted stuff like, posture, fashion choices, behaviour. I thought that being Queen was an easy going position, but turns out being Queen was many more.

In one of my conversations with the Queen, she told me how important being the Queen Luna is. I was supposed to help Cole with his decisions, point his right and wrongs and be by his side. I had to make sure everything in Palace was in the right order and that everyone’s happy. “Trust me, it is not an easy job” I remember her telling me.

I was currently snuggled close to Cole.

It was almost midnight. After our passionate love making, we started talking about my coronation, but now we had fallen into a comfortable silence. Cole’s chest was going up and down because of his breathing, but it didn’t annoy me. I was concentrating on him. After Aiden had gone missing he had been on full Alpha King mode, I can’t say I hated it, but I didn’t love it either. I wanted the carefree Cole; I knew that because of his position that was not easy, but once in a while I would like to see my mate like he was before he became King.

 “What if I am not a good Queen?” I asked him suddenly alarmed, “What? You will be an amazing Queen” he told me trying hard to convince me. “Cole, can’t we cancel it?” I steadied myself on my able in order to have a better look at him. He shook his head with determination crystal clear in his lovely eyes. "Sam, you need protection" he said, "You do too, Cole listen to me. What's the rush, I really don't get it?" I tried to change his mind for a hundred times.

 He let out a deep sigh. "Let's go over this again. Sam, I honestly believe that it is better if our people saw you as their Queen and my mate. It's about time" he said once more. "What about the Black Mooners?" I asked him quickly, I knew I had him there, but apparently he didn't let it come to him. He just replied me as always "The people will see the threat and will protect you".

I hated the fact that he was also right.

If the people, the packs, knew that I and Cole are in danger, they would all quite everything and come to our rescue. The thing is we didn't know if all those packs would be enough to stop and eliminate the threat. For what we knew The Black Mooners could be more than us, that was quite impossible, but my mind didn't take a rest to think logically.

"Stop worrying. The only thing you have to think about is your position. You are going to be Queen, my love. And from what I hear you are quite good at it" he said rather proudly. I blushed and hid my face at the crook of his neck. It made him moan, the conversation didn't go any further.

The next day I was taking my breakfast with the former Queen. Cole had some business to attend to, but he promised to come and find me as soon as he could. "Where is Cole this morning?" she asked me with a special sad smile. The kind of smile that she could give to anyone who talked to her, the loss of her mate was still great and nothing could make her feel better. "He had some business, he will be here shortly" I replied as a Queen should, she nodded, "That's nice. You must remember always dear, never let your man too far away" she said a winked, something bazaar for her. "Umm-", I was at loss of words, the Queen just gave me a love advice? "Oh, don't look at me like that. I have been mated and a Queen for a long time, I know a few things. Since you are going to take my place, I know how things are, so I thought about helping you" she said, "Helping me with what?" I asked her, "With Cole. Being a Queen requires time and moments away from your mate, though they are times when you and him could be alone" she said giving me hope. "Is it possible?" I asked her, she nodded. "Everything is possible for us, my dear. You can easily be a responsible Queen and a loving mate" she said.

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