Chapter 7

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Samantha's POV

Jake was standing there looking at us with his mouth hanging open. 

He was frozen and tense at the same time. "Jake?" I asked, I was starting to worry about him "Are you serious?" he asks me and I only nod once. "How?When? Yesterday when he is" he was talking on his own muttering things to himself.

"Is everything alright here?" Cole's voice brought us all back to reality, I looked away from him as Jake just stared at me, "We need to talk." Jake said to me and walked away, "What do you have to talk about? " Cole asks me, "Its none of your business." I snap at him and then I realize I am standing here alone talking to him. Where has Miranda and Jake went? "It is my business" he says coming closer. I could actually smell his rosy male scent, and then he did what i never thought he would do. He kissed me.

His lips moved with mine in perfect sync. His arms were wrapped around me, one was at my low of my back and the other was holding my head against his. I don't know why I didn't move away from him, I know I should just walk away, but kissing him felt so good. A moan slipped my lips and I could feel his grin against my mouth. We pulled away for air and i was smiling at him as he was smiling at me. "Cole" we heard his father summon him, I wanted to let him go, but his arms didn't move an inch. "I have to run with my father around the land. I will come straight to you when I am done" he told me and with one last peck on my lips he left. I don't know how many minutes, even hours I was standing there. The only thing I could think was the feeling of our lips touching.  

When I returned to my room I decided it was time to think things better. Cole is my mate, he said he loves me, but that doesn't mean something to me. Ever since the incident with my aunt I've started to believe that mates were not such a good think, but maybe I am wrong and maybe Miranda is right. Maybe I can have a life with my mate. But how? He is the prince ...the soon to be King. I sigh, I am not ready to be official with him. What about my family? What about my powers? I still haven't found answers about those Questions, how could I ever find? 

Miranda knocked on my door a few minutes later. She brought me some snacks and we sat there watching TV. "So what did you talk about with your mate? " she asked me trying hard not to look interested. "Why did you Left? " I asked her, she shrugged "He is your mate. You have to talk with him" she simply stated. "We kissed" I told her and she started clapping her hands excited. I shook my head at her, but she ignored me. 

"Tell me everything" she ordered, "You know when his father called him...he told me he would come back to me when he is done " I told her, "How cute!!" she gasped.  

"I don't think I am ready to be official with him" I sincerely told her, "I understand. Maybe you should take it slow and then everything will get better" she simply stated.

Later that day Cole stepped into my room while I was pulling clothes out of my bag. I stared at him wondering why didn't he knock, "You could knock " I told him as he was closing the door, "I know" he said and gave me a peck at my lips and then kissed me  longer. 

"How was your run?" I asked him, "Endless" he replied,"We need to talk" I let the words out. "Oh-oh " He said and took a seat on my bed. "This is not good" he continued, "I just want us to talk" I said and went to sit beside him. "About? " he asked, "Us " I simply stated. He nodded and ushered me to continue, "I-i don't think I am ready to be official with you yet" I finally said. "Is it because of your Alpha?" he snapped at me, I shook my head violently "No. No, it's not" I quickly said.  

He shook his head and walked out of my room banging the door. My eyes widened, he walked out of me, that is not the reaction I was waiting for. 

A week passed since the incident. Jake and Miranda have been by my side the whole time and Cole has been so cruel on me. 

In training, from time to time he threw me some glances, but the timing was not on my side since every time he looked at me Jake was talking to me or he made me laugh. Cole's jaw clenched every single time he looked at me with Jake.  

Svetlana was by his side in every training. Even if I didn't want to admit it she fought well.

Here we are now in the middle of the training. It was my turn and I was waiting for the King to announce with who I would be fighting today. "Samantha today you will be fighting with Svetlana" the King said.  

Miranda and Jake looked each other with worry, I on the other hand just took a deep breath and went to the middle of our little battlefield. 

My gaze followed Svetlana as she raised herself from her seat, and came my way swaying her hips for Cole. From the corner of my eye, I saw Cole scowling at her and a small smile appeared on my face.

"Are you ready? " she asked me, "I was born ready" i replied, she scoffed. She attacked me and I pushed her away, after that she managed to bring me down. She was lying on top of me when she whispered to my ear, "Feel bad your mate prefers me?". My eyes widened and my wolf gave me some of her power so I quickly pushed her away from me.  

Anger flashed my eyes and i attacked her again. "Oh poor little wolf" she told me,"I pity you really " she continued, I aimed at her again. This time she shifted midair and knocked me down. 

The last thing I heard before darkness swallowed me was Cole's worried voice calling my name. "Samantha!" and then darkness....

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