Chapter 9

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Miranda's POV

I was worried about my best friend. Watching Sam fighting with Svetlana was both entertaining and worth worried. I watched them as they attacked each other, I guess the others couldn't notice that Svetlana was mumbling something to Sam, but I could.

I could faintly see her lips moving, but I could clearly see that Sam didn't like whatever she was whispering her. I tried to focus more on them, but it was impossible. In the end I gave up and I just watched the fight.

After a few minutes Svetlana attacked Sam a little too hard and Sam fell on the floor, but not before her hands set on fire and caused burn marks on Svetlana's skin. We all run to her and guards took Svetlana away, but the most piercing scream came from Sam's mate. The Prince yelled her name and run to her side in no time.

I could see the worry in his eyes filled with anger and worry. I felt bad for him, but I didn't dwell on it. I just wanted my best friend safe. They took Sam into her room and called the royal doctor, the King called me and Jake to his study when he saw us out of Sam's door.

"Wait for me here" he ordered softly. Michelled walked us to his office and left us there. His office was spacious, with red warm walls and black furnitures. Some would think that it's took much, but looking at it, it's not at all.

"Why do you think he wants to talk us?" I asked Jake. He shrugged "Maybe about Sam?" he wondered, I shrugged back letting him know that I didn't know either. We both raised from our sit when the King walked in. He smiled kindly at us and took a seat in his chair, he motioned with his hand for us to sit down and we did as we were told. "I wanted to speak to you about an important matter" the King started, Jake and I stared each other . "About what, sir?" Jake asked politely, "About Samantha being my son's mate" he said and looked at us deep into the eyes. I felt uncomfortable under his gaze, "What about it?" Jake asked. "Are you the only people who knows?" he asked and we nodded, "Look, of you think that Sam isn't good enough-" I started to say, "That is not the matter" the King said, "For an important reason I cannot yet reveal you why I want you to keep your mouth...closed?"he stated and asked at the same time.
We nodded, "Sir" someone called him and opened the door. Immediately a male scent hit my nose making my wolf squirm. I turned to see a male looking like a Greek-god looking arround, probably looking for me. "Mate" my wolf scent, but I already knew. His brown eyes found mine and then drifted to Jake, he growled at him and Jake raised his hands experated "I am just her Alpha. What is wrong with everyone thinking I am with their mates" he said. I looked at the King who raised himself from his chair and walked over to my mate "Excuse me. Derek talk to me'" he said and took Derek, my mate, out of the room.

My gaze fell on some old papers on the King's desk and Ι went closer. "What are you doing?" Jake asked me, "Nothing. Just look at that" Ι said and looked at the papers closely. It was something like a very long saying. What was that? Jake came next to me and looked at the paper he took it and layed it on the desk and told me to sit down. "What is this?" I asked him, he stayed silent for a second until he told me, "It is said that when the Prince meets his fire-breathing mate the world will change" he said. "Sam?" I asked him and he nodded, "I don't understand" I confessed. 

"This prophecy was made centuries ago. It is known to every Alpha and every important person of the royal land, that the next Royal Couple, would be the couple who will change everything" he said. "Sam and the Prince" I whispered, "Yes, Sam doesn't know. She thinks that there others like her, but she is wrong. Miranda she is the only fire-breathing Wolf. She is the prophecy wolf and right now, she is in danger " he finishes.

The King comes back into the room with my mate on his heels. Derek smiles lovingly at me, but I can't return the smile so I just look down. I can feel his gaze on me and soon enough I feel his hands on my shoulders. When I look up i see him behind me with his hands holding my shoulder's comforting me, I smile shyly at him and I feel all the joy his wolf feels.

"Miranda I know you want to go and see how your friend is doing, so you are excused" the King said. Derek takes my hand "Come on" he says, his voice sending shivers down my spine. I follow him outside, he leads me on Sam's room and he makes a move to open her door. I stop him, "I want to go in alone" I whisper at him, he frowns, but nods. "I will be here" he says and I kiss him on the cheek. The smile he returns me is one of excitement and adoration, I love it!

Sam is with her mate. After Cole leaves the room I go closer to her. She looks better, not pale at all. I wonder then if I should tell her what I found out, but my inner me takes charge and in no time I started talking to her about what i found.

Samantha's POV

"What do you mean the only fire-breathing wolf?" I ask my best friend Miranda who for the past couple of minutes, has been telling me things that are odd to me. "You are the only one" she says again, "What part of it don't you understand? There is no other like you, the Moon Goddess made only you" she repeats. I stare at the ceiling saying nothing, what could I say? "Look, along with Prince Cole you and him are like the best and most powerful couple" she explains. "I see" I simply state "Does Cole know?" I asked her and she shrugs.

"I met my mate" she says after a couple of minutes, I frown "Why didn't you tell me that!" I yell at her, she smiles and shakes her head "Relax. I was at the King's office when I met him" she says with a dreamy look and she starts describing him. From her description I excpected someone really hot, well not as hot as my mate. "Miranda? Who is after me?" I ask her and just then Cole gets into the room "Their name is Black Mooners and they want you and me dead" he states looking me into my eyes.

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