Chapter 3

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The King and the Queen were absolutely beautiful.

 The woman was like a model, she had long brown to blonde hair and peirceing green eyes. Her face was so sweet and kind that made my heart melt.

The King on the other hand was more reserved. He was holding his Queens hand and was looking at each and every one of us.

"Welcome" the King's voice boomed into the ball room. "Please make yourself at home here Specials. You are here because you are given the opportunity to understand your powers" he said. I looked at him with confusion, his eyes met mine "You have something to say?" he asked me kindly, "What do you mean understand our powers?" I asked him.
 "It's like training every day, but you will have theory too. It will all make sense soon. My name is Gabriel and this is my Queen Elizabeth" he finished. "Michelle will show you to your rooms. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask" the Queen said. Her voice was like melody and her smile showed us how good hearted she was.

A young girl that was clearly Michelle came in and led us all to our room.Thankfully we all had separate rooms at the same floor. Mine was next to Miranda and Jake's two rooms down.

My bedroom was large. No, that's an understatement, my room was huge. It was like a whole house could fit in there. The bed was double and it was against a red rose wall. On the right was a balcony door and on the other side was the bathroom. Of course the bathroom was amazing and I couldn't wait to have a shower. Next to the bathroom was the closet, unfortunately I don't have enough clothes to fill it.

There was a knock on the door and Michelle stepped in, "Excuse me Miss?" she asked, "My name is Samantha, you can call me Sam" I told her. She nodded and smiled at me "The Queen wants all the ladies Specials in the ball room. " she said, I told her an okay and I followed her in the ballroom downstairs.

Miranda was already there, she smiled when she saw me and I went to stand next to her. "They are having a ball in  honor of the Specials" she whispered. It was then, I noticed the people around me. We weren't the only Specials here. There at least another 10 girls around.

"wow" I whispered to Miranda "I know they are so many" she whispered back.

The Queen started talking about that ball. She told us that it was on the Specials honor and that we should look presentable. "Who knows, maybe some of you will find your mate" said the Queen. Some girls giggled when others started whispering right next to me. " Do you think I will be the prince's mate? " a girl said some scoffed while others encouraged her. "What's so special with the Prince" I asked Miranda. She rolled her eyes at me "He is the Prince. And probably the most handsome guy you have ever seen. My mother talked to me about him. He is supposed to be the best male in the werewolf world. Do you think you might be his mate?'" She asked me. "I don't think you should make dreams. Lady Svetlana has being flirting with Prince Cole a lot lately "Michelle said. "Yes, but is she his mate?" Miranda asked her, "I don't think so" Michelle replied.
"Lady Svetlana is not a nice person and even the Queen doesn't like her".

I imagined that if the Queen doesn't like her then that Svetlana must be a bitch, but why am I saying something like that for someone I don't know? Bad Sam!

The rest of the day I spent it trying on dresses. The Queen had laid out for us so many dresses because she said she wanted us to be wearing the best.

Finally when I tried the last one I saw everyone widen their eyes. I looked myself in the mirror and my breath hitched. The dress made my curves look extremely good. The dress was purple, and long. On the back there was an x that made my back look good. For the first time I saw myself as more than average beautiful.

The Queen was running around us, making sure we had everything before the ball. Clothes, makeup, hair. When she was positive we all had what we needed she let us return to our bedrooms. Miranda came by to mine and we sat there chatting for a while talking about the kingdom and all.
"It's okay" she said after a while. "I mean, it sure is different than home, but we can make it. Right?" she asked me looking unsure. "Of course. Like the King said it would be like training. Like we're in a pack, but we are in another pack than our own" I told her trying my best to look convincing.

The truth is that I was burning inside. I had no idea what we would be doing here. Okay, the King explained a bit, but its not easy when you are away from your home. "Do you think we are going to be staying here forever?" Miranda asked. "No, I don't think so. No. Look, let's just ask Jake later, okay? I am sure he knows" I told her.

Later in the evening while me and Miranda were getting dressed there was a knock on the door and Michelle stepped in. "Wow, you both look beautiful" she told us, we thanked her and I noticed that she wasn't wearing any make up. When I asked her why was that she just shrugged and said "Nobody watches me. I am just a maid." she said looking sad. Of course she didn't get away with it. Miranda immediately pulled Michelle down and started doing her make up, then Miranda asked me to go over to her bedroom and fetch a dress for Michelle.

While I was making my way back to my room I bumped into someone and shivers along with sparks to run through my body. I raised my head and I saw the most handsome I have ever came to meet in my life. He was tall and muscular with beautiful green eyes and raven black hair.  

He looked like a black angel coming right down from Heaven.  

My heart skipped a beat and my body was calling his. Then only a small world left both of our lips..  


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