Chapter 4

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Cole's POV 

My parents insisted of me being  present to the ball. 

I was not in the mood to go through that, not because I was bored, but because Lady Svetlana would definitely be there. She is a greedy and mean woman that only cares about her title and money. Above all she is also a big slut. Everybody thinks that she is my mate. Well, that is not true. I am definitely not her mate. 

I haven't met my mate yet, but I am looking forward to it. I want to feel the shivers run through my body and the sparks to appear whenever I touch her. 

Mate is someone unique. Its what you call it, your other half. The person who is able to calm your wolf when you are angry and able to bring peace in your heart.  

I want to have what my parents have. I have seen my father angry and only mom was able to calm him down.  Plus they are happier than ever. They always laugh and smile at each other.

After I had a shower I walked out of my room in order to go and find my mother. I wanted my suit and Michelle hadn't brought it yet. As I was making my way down the hall my mind was going through the Specials I had to teach tomorrow. My father wanted me to help him with them before I go and have my round around the territory.  

Suddenly I bumped into someone small, it wasn't difficult to realize it was a girl. I wrapped my arms around her to make her stand and immediately I felt the sparks. 

It was a pleasant and euphoric feeling. When I looked into her crystal blue eyes I got lost in them. Her eyes had the color of the sky. My wolf yelled a word at me and my heart pounded at the hearing of the word. 


The girl seemed lost too for a moment, but I hoped she stayed like that a little longer, because when she snapped out of it she run towards a Special room and got in before I got the chance to stop her.  

"Cole?" I heard and awfully annoying voice, which I immediately recognized as Svetlnana's.
"What? " I snapped at her, she didn't seem to mind. "I just got here, thought you could keep me company " she said trying to sound seductive. "Not now" I told her and run to my father's office.  

He was standing beside his office with his arms wrapped around my mother."Sorry to interrupt" I told them and went through his stuff on the desk. "What are you looking for, son?" my father asked me. "Nothing" I said and then I found it. It's a paper like a map of the castle. I quickly found the door my mate run into. The room said Special: Samantha Anderson. 

Samantha,  I thought. Her name is Samantha! A smile appeared on my face and my mother saw it."What's that smile for?" she asked with a smile on her own. "Nothing. Where is my suit?" I asked her. "Oh your suit, go get ready I will bring it to you" she said and with a peck on my father's lips she rushed off the office. "Is everything okay?" my father asked me. I nodded and quickly returned to my room.

Samantha's POV

I run away from him. I couldn't believe it. My mate is living here, I thought. I was holding the dress and I was panting a little. Miranda and Michelle were looking at me confused, I shook my head, gave them the dress and went to the bathroom.

Within minutes we were all ready. Michelle went down to the ballroom first to make sure everything is ready. When we got down the ball was in full flow. People were dancing and laughing. The royal couple was talking to some pack members, so Miranda and I decided to go and look for Jake.  

He was near the dance floor drinking wine. "Going to get drunk? " Miranda asked him. "I am an Alpha, I don't get drunk " he said and eyes us up and down. "Girls you look amazing!" he said and I blushed.  

We sat with Jake for a while. Talking and gossiping about everyone around us. Then a stranger asked Miranda to dance and she accepted. Soon after Jake asked me to dance and I gladly accepted. We swung around, dancing like professionals, when I saw my mate. He was standing a few feet away from me undressing me with his eyes. For a moment I was lost in his presence too. When I saw him make his way towards me my heart started pounding.  

"May cut in?" He icily asked Jake. "Of course, my Prince " Jake said and nodded at me.  

I completely froze at my place. He was the Prince? That makes him the soon to be Alpha King. My mouth dropped open. "Why did you run away, mate ?" he whispered while wrapping his arms around my waist, bringing me closer to his body.  

I felt a rush of pleasure running through me, but I resisted the urge to moan. "I-i didn't " I tried to say but I lost my words. "Well, it seemed to me like you did " he whispered closely to my ear and then he left a kiss on my cheek. 

I looked around and saw no one looking. "I have to go" I whispered, but he caught my arm.
"Nope.I can't let you go Cinderella " he said. "Let.Me.Go" I said, just because he is the Prince doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants with me. 

I don't know how I did it, but I run away from him for the second time. He is the Prince and I am Nothing can happen between us. At least I was sure about that.

I heard his footsteps right behind me before I felt myself pushed against a wall. "Do not run away from me" he said and planted sweet kisses on my neck. For a moment I felt myself giving up to his kisses.  

But then a young woman came out of nowhere. "Cole?" she said throwing dirty looks at me. She was beautiful, she had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked...royal. "Svetlana? " said Cole with annoyance cleared in his voice.

So that is Lady Svetlana, I thought. Now compare to her, I certainly don't stand a chance.

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