Chapter 25

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Samantha's POV

The safe house had nothing to do with the palace.

It was so small, yet elegant. It had something comfy about it, it looked so much like home. 

When we got in we all were surprised to learn that the Queen herself had built and decorated that home.

“It’s something like a different family home. I spent many years here” Cole admitted to me.

What I was surprised to find out later was that, even though it was kind of small, it still had many secret passages and places for guns and other weapons. Cole and the rest of his new found warriors were at his father’s safe house office where they were going to make up a plan and see if those weapons his father holds are enough.

I on the other hand, was helping the women of the house. We had to clean it up a little, make it a little less dusty. We didn’t know if we were going to stay here for long. The men had to make the plans and we were just going to follow. Well, not me. I had to know, I am the Queen after all.

We were currently finishing the food.

Apparently, the Queen had some servants bring food here once a week. “I always knew that this house was going to be useful” Elder Elizabeth said, as we were putting the dishes in order at the two tables we had placed together.

“It is marvelous” my mother commended. They started talking about the house as I was thinking about the state our kingdom was.

Our enemies had taken over the place.

Two strong arms wrapped around my waist. From the tingles I knew it was Cole, he placed a kiss on my shoulder and I leaned my head back against his firm shoulder.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked me, “The kingdom” I replied.

He sighed, “I know, baby” he whispered. “What are we going to do?” I asked him, “We are going to talk about this later” he said as he pulled a chair out for me.

We sat down and ate our dinner. Cole arm was around me constantly, his fingers usually touching my skin, like he was making sure I was actually there.

There was a weird feeling in the air, I knew what it was. Worry, we were all worried about our people.

Later, when we had done the dishes we all went to sleep. The house was not large enough and some people had to sleep on the couches though, Cole and I had our own room. The perks of being the King and Queen.

I was laying on my back, staring at the beige ceiling over me. Cole was in the bathroom taking a much needed shower. Something inside me was telling me that this was not going to end well.

This bad feeling was eating me inside and I didn’t know if I should take it by notice or if it was just me.

“Everything will be alright” Cole’s voice pulled me out of thoughts; I took a good look at him.

He had a towel wrapped around his lower half and he was bare chest. He looked like a god. The perfect kind of god for me. “Having a good time?” he asked me teasingly causing my face to turn red.

He chuckled sexily. I was so jealous of his way of feeling carefree, even with those enemies over our head.

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