Chapter 6

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Samantha's POV 

I woke up the next day from the chirping of the birds outside my balcony door.

 A smile formed my face at the sight of breakfast on the table near the balcony and Miranda sitting there eating. "I know you are up, so go have a shower, get dressed and come eat" she ordered. I smiled and followed her order. When I sat on the table to eat Miranda spoke "The Prince will help us train" she said causing me to spit my orange juice. "Michelle told me. Maybe you will see he actually cares" she said looking hopeful.  

"Miranda he has Lady Svetlana and she looks way more beautiful than me" I told her. She didn't listen to me of course, but that's typical.  

Michelle came by when we finished breakfast. She informed us that it was time to gather in the garden for training.  

I was wearing my favourite training shorts and my black tank top along with my sport shoes. Miranda was wearing similar clothes with me and since we were both ready we followed Michelle out in the garden.

All the Specials were there along with their Alpha's. We spot Jake and we made our way over to him, he was with our pack members talking. "There you are girls" Jake said and he threw his arms around us, we both giggled and I heard someone growl. I knew who growled and why, so I turned my head and saw Cole's green eyes looking at me. My eyes drifted to his side and I saw Lady Svetlana talking to him. She was wearing her training clothes, I guess, but she looked like a slut. Some boys Specials were eye raping her, of course those Specials were famous players. Classic, I thought.

Cole's eyes never left me. I tried get into the talk my friends were into, but the whole time I could feel his gaze on me. The training started when the King came outside. Once again we fought with some of the royal guards. Some kids managed to win the fights, but most of them lost. When my turn came, I could practicaly feel Cole's worry. Worry about his mate, my wolf whispered. I tried not to think about him and focus on my battle, I fought with Peter who could read me like a book.

"You have to be better than that. Where's the tough girl I fought with?" he asked me in a playful manner. I laughed at that and prepared myself for another aim. From the corner of my eye I saw Lady Svetlana whispering something in Cole's ear, that's when I lost it. I attacked Peter like never before and I managed to get him to the ground. Everyone gasped and started screaming from excitment, but I couldn't enjoy my win.

I couldn't smile, so my face turned into a depressing scowl. Miranda frowned at me, I nodded my head slightly in Cole's and Svetlana's direction. When her eyes caught them and threw me a sad smile.

The rest of the training passed with me sitting under a tree with Miranda trying to calm down. My wolf was begging for me to go and teach Svetlana's a lesson, but my mind wanted me to let this go. Cole didn't bother to even ditch Svetlana when his father called him. A tear formed and escaped my eyes when I saw him whispering something to her ear that made her giggle. He caught me when I wiped the tear off.

Our eyes met, that caused my eyes to water up more. He noticed and i saw saddness fill his eyes. Just then the King announced that the training is over. Miranda took my hand and led me far away from them. Jake came right behind us, "What is going on?" he asked. We both shrugged, not knowing what to tell them. "Just tell me. You know I am here for you. Both of you" he said. I don't know why I did it, but the words just left my mouth.

"I am Prince Cole's Mate"....

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