Chapter 18

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The next few days were really hard.

Aiden kept pushing me to do better and truly I wanted to, but it was too hard. I was starting to get even more tired. My body and wolf were complaining, but my mind wasn't.

The sooner I get a hand of this, I thought, the sooner I will be able to around the people I like.

"Come on Sam. I want to see what you worth" he whispered the last part, which was weird, but I choose not to say a thing. He used to do it often lately, every time he was pushing me to go further and then he was just whispering weird things about what I worth and how strong and capable I am.

I shake my head, convincing my body to go faster. Do better, but my wolf chose that moment to take charge. Stop doing that. We are tired; we've been working out all day we need some time off. She tried to convince me, which resulted in me trying to block her out, but she just wouldn't go away. Sam, I am begging you. Aiden has being going crazy. We are doing the same things every day, we are good enough. We can stop. I said nothing to her and kept trying to ignore her. FINE! She said and suddenly I felt like a whole bus was being thrown to my shoulders.

I was currently running in circles creating little fire tornadoes and then put them out, but the pain I felt on my shoulders caused me to stop. "Why did you stop?" I hear Aiden ask me, but his voice is faint. I can't listen to him clearly and he is not that far away from me. I place my palms on my knees just so I can take breath, because I honestly feel like I've run a marathon. "I- I can't - It' hard" I say. Aiden looks at me impassive like nothing happened and like I am not ready to die just yet.

"Don't be like this Sam. We've come so far" he said, "I just need some time to relax. My body is not-" I put a great effort to talk and its still hard so I just choose to stay quiet and let him understand what is going on with me.

I felt him long before I see him. Cole came out of no where with a couple of guards behind him, and stayed put on his spot staring at me. I knew he was looking but I kept my head down. I heard his voice just like I had heard Aiden's, long and distant.

What have you done? I asked my wolf, I am letting you feel all of it. I've been holding most of it off of you, but its time for you to feel exactly what we feel. She explained, truth be told I knew that I was tiring myself and my wolf out.

"What is going on here, brother" I hear Cole say to Aiden, "I am training your mate, my King" Aiden said. Everyone around stiffened as did I when he mentioned me as Cole's mate. Not many people knew that little detail, they just assumed that because I am a Special I am treated better than others. The guards seemed like they didn't know what to do, how to react and Cole was just standing there looking at his brother confused. Even I didn't know what to do. I was going to talk when I felt some liquid running from my nose and I realized it was blood. "Sam?" I heard Cole ask "Cole?" I said as darkness took over.

Voices. That was the first thing that my mind allowed me to notice. Not many, not few, but one. One specific voice was screaming, yelling orders at others. Cole's voice was filled with anger and worry. He was telling everyone to back off, to stay away from me and let me breathe. The last thing I heard before loosing my consciousness was a soldier calling Cole and telling him.... "MY KING. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK"

Cole's POV

Seeing blood on Samantha was the worst thing that could happen. Second worst i guess, but still one of the bad things that I refuse to relive. I am still shocked over the fact that my brother, Aiden revealed my mates and I's relationship. It was supposed to be a sacred secret since we are currently hunted. The less people they know, the better.

As soon as my name left from Samantha's lips she fainted which caused everyone to freeze and me to run to her. Immediately I took her into the Palace doctor's wing. There she was examined and according to the doctor she was too tired. I was a little confused over the fact that because she was tired, blood run out of her. The doctor said that her wolf and her human weren't strong enough to hold her up and that's why "they shut her body down", which resulted on Sam being on a mini coma until she feels more...energized.

After I talked with the doctor and we took Sam to a hospital bed at the doctor's wing , I realized that the soldiers that were with me at the meadow had followed me. At that time I lost some of my focus and I snapped at them. I started giving them errands and yelled at them at the same time. I don't know what got me, but I didn't dwell on it much since by the time I was yelling another guard came bursting through Sam's room where me and my soldiers were and he screamed to me "MY KING. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK"

I knew then who our enemy was. I knew that they had finally made their move. They are here, I thought.

The Black Mooners decided to pay us a visit....


Hey guys!

This is a small chapter for you, as the intro (or something) of the Black Mooners. The next chapter will be on Cole's POV and it will be a small battle. I am not familiar with writing a scene like that so it will probably take some days, but I will try and make it enjoyable.

As you know, you are all welcome to comment and vote and fan...and whatever else. Tell me what do you think about the book and this chapter. Thank you for all the votes and comments, you are as ever AMAZING...

Kisses -AnastasiaL

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