Update, I'm alive y'all😍

11 3 17

UHHHHH yeah, so google maps finally got to working so we managed to get home-- Can't say it was a SAFE ride back though because my dad didn't calm the fuck down and went over the speed limit a lot, yelled at other drivers who were doing little or nothing wrong :/ and then flipped many of them off and screamed at them at stop lights (they had their windows down bc it's hot af). And uhhhh well yeah :D

uhm, i had a hotdog for Lunch (at around 2pm or something) and then uhhhh yeah >:3

I don't know what my heartrate was through the entire day because my watched was fucking dead :( but i'm guessing it was around 196 to 221 or something, couldn't breathe, my legs hurt like hell and we didn't bring any wheelchair with us (*cOuGh* something i SHOULD have when we're going out for a long time and gonna be walking a ton *CoUgH*) anyway-- uhh, idk maybe i need an inhaler (for my breathing?? idk i might have something ngl)

UHHHH i'm hungry as fuck, but i'm broke so i'm asking my mum if she's get something for me (and my sisters bc i ain't a bitch/nobody would get me anything if it was JUST for ME) anywayyy i'm tired as hell (mentally and physically) so i'mma be offline for the rest of the day..

[I'll see about using the web version of Discord btw but later or tomorrow bc i'm gonna collapse on my bed and watch OHSHC bc i fucking love it >:3 ALSO I HATE LIFE /j (nor rlly tho) so, my phone now won't let me get PJSK at all, like i decided i would just try again because my phone's been super glitchy with it recently; yeah, i forgot to tell people but i got PJSK back, not my old acc though sadly TT but then it was super laggy and i ain't no lag god so i deleted it again-- T H E N i was bored while we were driving there so i got it back and uhhh yeah no.. it's still super glitchy and all, I'm still mad my other phone my acc was on was glitched and my iphone can't play the damn thing >:/ ALSOOOO DOES ANYONE PLAY I-CHU??? i don't because apparently you need a Japanese phone account or something.. but like, i enjoy the music and i've seen game play every now and then but the fandom seems so small T^T maybe i'm just not looking in the right places though)

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