PSA: ALL tweets/texts/links in this work are FAKE and recreated to fit into the FICTION of this story. NOT intended to cause harm or ill intent. These are only created for the purpose of FICTION.
"Good things take time, but not when you keep running...
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"The Hell Silo is where I would point out where most of the activity is coming from," Jessica, one of the first interviewees on the show, stated.
"Why is that?" Zak questioned.
"Because there is a performer there who plays Satan, and he reads passages from the Satanic Bible."
Are you fucking kidding me? Zak thought, looking to Nick and Aaron who had captured his reaction. Victoria mentioned the significance of a book, and now it's coming full circle.
When the interview with Jessica concluded, Zak decided to call Victoria and ask her more details about the book she had questioned about yesterday, knowing that there was a possibility that there were more details. "Hello?"
"Hey, I have a question for you. Are you free?"
"Yeah, I'm just eating my lunch. What's up?"
"That book that you asked us about yesterday, was there anything else about it?"
She then breathed a nervous laugh, "Yes, but it's not much. Just please don't think I'm crazy."
"You're far from it."
"Okay, well I kept thinking about a book that could be the source of some of the hauntings there, but I don't know what kind of book it is. It could be a ledger, journal, or anything involving paper. I'm wanting to think that it was found or brought in, and I kept thinking of one of those creepy silos that we went into yesterday, but that was it," She explained. "I wrote down some words that kept playing over and over in my mind on a sticky note because I've been thinking about it all day."
"Can you take a picture of that and send it to me?"
"Sure! Hold on!"
"This is so weird, man," Nick shook his head. "How did she know about a book?"
"I don't know," Zak sighed, muting his end of his phone so that Victoria couldn't hear them talking. "What if she's like a medium?"
"Honestly, that's awesome if she is and just doesn't know about her gift yet," Nick shrugged.
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"Did you get it? It said it's delivered." Victoria questioned, and Zak was quick to unmute himself.
"I got it. Looking at it right now." He answered, opening the photo to show Nick and Aaron what was on the sticky note.
Secret, silo, bury, book, answers, found, and worshipping.
Book = Satanic Bible
Silo = Hell Silo
Well, that's two out of the seven questions answered, Zak thought.
"I've been thinking about those words all night, and it's so confusing. I haven't felt that way since... you know, but the only difference is that I didn't write anything down after that happened."
"It's okay. I was just curious."
"Was there even a book that's significant?" She asked.
"Yes, but I'll have to talk to you about it later. I don't have all of the answers yet."
"Okay, well my phone is ringing, and I better get back to work. I'll see you guys later."
"Thank you, Tori."
"Not a problem!"
"Dude, what if she's a medium?" Nick asked, Aaron nodding in agreement.
"I mean, you did say that she asked about a book yesterday," Jay added, even though he didn't exit his flight until late the night before. "And on that note, she wrote 'silo', so two out of those assumptions were right. And there's no way she would've known that prior to coming here."
"Yeah, you're right. I'll have to talk to her about it."
"What was she talking about earlier? About what happened?"
"You'll have to hear that story from her. I don't want to break her trust in me by telling you what took her a long time just to even tell me about." Zak sighed, frowning. "Let me go talk to Rob. I'm going to figure this out."
"Let's go."
Once they had gotten Rob back on camera, Zak began asking questions. "Is there a guy in your attraction that reads from the Satanic Bible?"
"There's a guy who was assigned to this room this year and when he came in and started, he found this book, and we don't know how it got there in the first place or where it came from, really."
"So, you're telling me that this Satanic book wasn't a part of your attraction?"
"No, not at all."
Zak was speechless, as well as the rest of the crew. "That's weird." Nick stated.
Found = Found by a crew member
Secret = Secret as to why it was here
Soon, they were able to interview Chris, who was the target in getting answers about this book. "Chris, what do you do here?"
"I work in the Hell Silo playing the role of Satan," He answered. "I would pick out sayings that sounded really brutal and cool, and then I would announce them as people were walking in."
"Do you think that's safe to do?"
"Well, probably not, because weird things started happening."
"What started happening to you?"
"I started getting, like, the worst headaches I've ever had in my entire life."
"You know that those can be the pre-signs of demonic oppression and possibly possession. You understand that, right?"
"You know, if I was a lawyer, you know what I'd ask you?"
"You play Satan in the Hell Silo, and you're the one who found this book?"
"Yes, I play Satan in the Hell Silo, and I'm the one who found the book." Chris repeated.
"No further questions, Your Honor," Zak joked, easing the anxiety he felt about how right Victoria's notes were without even being there. "Do you know who this book belonged to?"
"I don't. It was buried by a vase with some flowers, and it was just covered in dust. I've asked several people, and no one knows how it got here."
"Do you think that people were breaking in here and doing rituals in the Hell Silo?"
"Well, there are a few people who work here who are Satanists, and they've been doing rituals. They told me to be careful because they've been scratched and attacked."
"Where did they do the rituals?"
"In the Hell Silo."
You've got to be kidding, Zak scoffed to himself. "Well, that answers it!" Nick commented.