2 | mischievous boy

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My first lesson of the day is Potions, and I stroll through the corridors with my books in arms hoping to get there on time. Being late is not a good first impression.

But as I am doing so, I realise I'm passing by the Slytherin boys, who are situated on the left side of the corridor, hoarding up most of the space. I make sure to keep my eyes away, but I can't help to notice that they're all staring at me.

Particularly one boy, Mattheo Riddle, who has a smirk on his face. They continue to talk amongst themselves but it's ever so obvious that they're talking or gossiping about me, various eyes scanning my body.

I begin to feel uncomfortable, and my pace at which I'm walking grows faster.

Is there something on my face?

Why were they all staring at me?

Do I look weird?

I mean... Jake said I looked different earlier too. Is it something got to do with that?

I turn the corner and finally escape their vision, letting out a sigh of relief.

But in that very same moment, I bump into someone, and I just about manage to save my books from falling to the ground. I look up, and realise it's a Hufflepuff boy. Jungwon, I think his name is.

"Oh I'm so sorry Nari." He says worriedly. "Are you hurt?"

He knows my name?

"Not at all, are you?" I ask.

"Nope. I'm good." He chuckles. "Where are you off to in a rush?"

Trying to get away from those creepy Slytherin boys.

"Oh I have Potions first. Just trying to get there on time." I tell him and his face brightens even more.

"Same here! Do you want to walk there together?"

"Sure, why not." I smile, and the two of us make our way to Potions.


Jungwon and I managed to arrive here early, and the Professor had already assigned us our seats. Unfortunately, we didn't get to sit next to each other, and instead I was seated right at the back of the classroom.

More and more people begin to enter the room, and I now realise why they all show up late. Majority of the people arriving were Slytherins, and amongst them, the Slytherin boys.

I look down, and try to cover my face, feeling embarrassed as I remember how they were staring at me earlier on.

The Professor assigns their seats and the lesson begins. I'm sat at the end of the back row, and surprisingly there's no one sat beside me. I appreciate my fate and swiftly start writing notes.


Twenty minutes of the lesson has passed by, when suddenly our focus is broken by the door swinging open, a tall boy strolling in late to the lesson.

My eyes firstly drift to his uniform, and of course he's a Slytherin. They then glance up to his face, a lolly pop in his mouth. My heart drops.


I pray that his assigned seat isn't the empty one next to mine, but I know I'm smart enough to figure out that that's the only spare seat left in the classroom.

"Niki. You're late." The Professor says sternly, sounding disappointed but not even surprised.

None of us were shocked, because this is normal for Niki. We expected nothing more from a sly boy like him.

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