8 | destined with you

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"Hey Nari." A familiar sweet voice says, approaching me from behind as I make my way to my History of Magic lesson.

"Oh hey Jungwon." I smile.

"So, how are you?" He asks, wiggling his brows, making me laugh.

"Great, how are you Jungwon?"

"Not so great. We have History of Magic next." He groans and so do I.

"It's going to be so boring." I sigh.

"Well, at least your new boyfriend is in your class." He winks and I shove him a little with my arm.

"Jungwonnn." I whine, turning red.

"Awh, you're blushing!"

"So how did you find out?"

"The same as everyone else really. We saw you in the Great Hall eating breakfast together and then Niki broke the news to the six of us. We were quite shocked to be honest." He explains.

"Why's that?"

"It seemed as if you hated Niki." He shrugs and I nod.

"I guess so..."

"Well it's great that your feelings have changed. Yes, Niki may be annoying at times but he's got a good heart. I've known him for as long as I can remember."

"I'll keep that in mind." I smile as we enter the class, dreading every bit that was about to come.

I take my seat at the back of the class, and only moments later, Niki enters the room looking as he usually does: his tie not done up properly, and his blonde and brunette hair hanging over his eyes.

As soon as his eyes meet mine, he smirks and heads over to sit directly beside me.

"Hey, that's my seat." A random Hufflepuff boy says, who's been sitting beside me for the past couple of lessons.

When the boy realises that it's Niki Nishimura in his seat, he backs off immediately, making me laugh.

Niki leans back in his seat, looking as relaxed as ever as he spreads his legs a little, his knee knocking into mine under the table.

My stomach flips.

"How are you my love?" He asks and my mouth parts a little, shocked at this new nickname.

"Great." I swallow, looking anywhere else but at him. He chuckles lowly.

I've noticed his voice is always deeper than usual and groggy early in the morning.

"Right, books out and copy the lines on the board." The Professor orders and I hear multiple sighs and groans being let out.

I never really learned much in these lessons, and most of the content I self taught it to myself... so it makes me think how much Niki struggles with this subject. No wonder he needed the help.

As I'm writing, I feel Niki stretch out his arm, so that it's resting on the back of my chair. I feel my back contact his arm as I lean back in my chair and I glance over at him, furrowing my brows as if to say, "What are you even doing?"

But Niki just smirks, and continues to write with his other hand. Moments pass and I feel him knock his knee into my leg once more to annoy me and I let out a deep breath, trying to ignore it.

Seconds later it happens again, and out of pure instinct, my hand under the desk reaches for his knee, stopping it in place before it knocks into my leg again.

I keep my hand there for minutes, forgetting that it was even there, when Niki leans in forward and whispers deeply into my ear, "You should rest your hand further up my leg if you're trying to turn me on, Nari."

𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | nikiWhere stories live. Discover now