29 | surprise visitors

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Me and Niki took a little detour before everyone left the castle to go home, so currently we're stood alone in an empty hallway, not to far away from the Great Hall so faint chattering can still be heard.

I stand with my back against the stone wall and he towers over me, a grin across his face.

"Why'd you have to make me wait, love?" He asks and I hand him his gift.

"I was too shy to give it to you in front of everyone else." I tell him and he ruffles my hair before opening it.

His eyes widen when he sees the black Armani watch I bought for him, and he looks up at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"This is so my style." He tells me and I begin to grow red as I take it out of the box for him and nervously put it on his wrist, fastening it.

"Do you like it?" I ask and he nods.

"So much. Thank you Nari." He takes a breath. "And... here's yours."

He hands me a little gift bag and inside there's a card and also a small box. I take out the card excitedly and he stops me, pushing it back inside.

"There's no way you're reading that now." He tells me and I look up at him amused.

"I'm sure it a good read." I say and he looks away in embarrassment, making me giggle.

I take out the small box and open it to find a pretty anklet that matches the bracelet he got me the last time and a big smile forms on my face.

"To match the bracelet you're still wearing." He says, raising a brow and I cover my face in embarrassment.

"It matches all my outfits, okay?" I tell him and he nods.

"Sure, sure." He says and takes the anklet off of me, and kneels down to buckle it around my ankle.

My stomach flips.

He stands up and I look down at it, and it suits me so well.

"Thank you so much Niki, I love it." I tell him and I wrap my arms around his neck, taking him by surprise.

His arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me in closer, embracing me into such a heartfelt hug.

I don't think I can wait another two weeks to see this boy.


"Nari! Wake up it's Christmas Day!" I hear my mother shouting for me from the bottom of the stairs.

I roll over in my bed with a groan, my hair all messy and my head hurting so bad since I went to sleep very late last night - which is something I would never do... if it wasn't for Niki.

He's been texting me everyday since the school broke up for the holidays. He checks up on me everyday, but last night we had a long conversation over text and neither of us wanted to put the phone down first to say goodnight. But it came to around three o'clock in the morning, and I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.

I roll out of my bed, taking an everything shower - something I like to do every Christmas morning - and then getting nicely dressed for the day.

I head downstairs and as per usual, my silly dad has his Christmas playlist on shuffle on the TV. I give both my parents a big hug and wish them a Merry Christmas when my eyes lock onto the presents under the tree.

Like a little kid, I rush up to the gifts and check for those labelled with my name. I guess you could say mum and dad are very generous to me when it comes to gifts, since I'm their only child.

I don't mind being one though, since I spent most of my days at Hogwarts anyway. I guess during the holidays it can get boring at times, and celebrations like these can be a bit lonely. But I always distract myself with a good book to get me through it all.

I unwrap the gifts and gasp and squeal at each and every one of them, grateful for everything my parents have given.

I guess you could say that my family are comfortable financially wise. We never used to be, back in the day. There were many financial struggles and situations that I was too young to understand. But ever since my parents got a highly paid job in the ministry, we've been doing well.

That's why with my allowance and savings, I bought the best gifts I could for each of my friends, aswell as my parents who open their gifts from me looking absolutely touched.

"Oh, by the way." My mum says to me as she hands me the plate of gingerbread biscuits she baked this morning. "We have a few guests coming over this weekend."

"We do?" I ask excitedly and she nods.

"I've made good friends with our boss' wife. Like us, she doesn't have extended family to celebrate Christmas with so I thought I'd invite her over." My mum explains to me.

"Ooh that's exciting. But isn't your boss coming too? Won't that be a little awkward?"

"I don't think he's coming, just the wife and kids." My dad says to me. "He's a very busy man it seems like."

"On Christmas Day too?" I ask curiously and my mum sighs.

"I guess everyone has their own situations but I do feel bad for Aina."

"Your friend has a pretty name. Is she Korean?"

"Nope, Japanese." My mum tells me and I nod, thinking about the only other Japanese person I know. "I think she mentioned something about her kids going to Hogwarts, you might know them."

I gasp. "Wait really!?"

"Yep, exciting right? You can make some new friends." She tells me.

"What are their names?"

"Ahh... she mentioned briefly but I can't remember at all." My mum tells me.

"Neither can I." My dad says, looking up from his newspaper.

"Oh well, they're coming over for dinner anyway, so we have a while yet. Make sure your room is spotless Nari, I tidied it up yesterday for you but I'm sure it's a tip again."

I laugh awkwardly. "Haha... you know me so well."


I help mum finish up making the dinner, mainly focusing on passing her things, washing the dishes and setting up the table etc. I'm not the best of cooks, and I should definitely not be trusted alone in the kitchen.

Suddenly we hear a knock at the door, and my dad rushes up from the couch he's been sat at all day to open the door. I first see a lovely looking lady, probably Aina, the woman my mum is friends with.

They greet her and I stop what I'm doing and approach her, the first thing she does is give me a hug.

"Nari! I've heard so much about you." She says happily and I smile, as she hugs me.

"It's lovely to meet you." I reply and I look up to find her kids entering the house aswell and my jaw drops.

I swear I can't believe what my eyes are seeing.

𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | nikiWhere stories live. Discover now