28 | christmas gifts

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The last day of school finally arrives, everyone is buzzing for the holidays, and the fact that Christmas is only in a couple of days. The whole of the castle is decorated with beautiful decorations, my favourite being the humongous Christmas tree in the Great Hall that sparkles and lights up the room.

As much as I'd love to spend Christmas here at the castle with my friends, I am truly missing home and my parents. It's been a while since I've seen them, especially because I couldn't visit during the October holidays.

However, even though it is the last day of school, I have to remain serious about my education, and attend every single one of my lessons and attempt to do work, even if people are messing about just because the exams are over.

I take extra time getting ready in the morning, perfecting my hair and makeup and choosing the prettiest outfit... not only because it's the last day, but also due to the fact that a certain boy won't leave my mind.

Ever since he confessed to me a couple of days ago, I've been waking up with butterflies in my stomach, excited to start the day knowing that likes me.

It feels unreal to say. I thought my little crush on him would just faze out some point but... this is getting out of hand.

I leave the Ravenclaw common room to make a start on my journey to first period - History of Magic. Just as I'm about to leave however, I'm stopped by Niki, who waits for me at the exit of the Ravenclaw Tower.

My face lights up as soon as I see him, and he smiles at me, taking a step closer to me before he pulls out a small bouquet of pretty flowers from behind his back.

"For you." He says as he hands me them, his ears turning red as he does so.

I take hold of them and as pretty as they are, I can't take my eyes off of him.

"They're beautiful. Thank you Riki." I say to him and he looks away for a second before looking back at me.

"I only got you a small one for now so it'll be easy for you to carry around school." He explains and I'm touched by his thoughtfulness.

"You chose right. These are so cute. I can carry them in my side bag." I tell him, and place them into my bag, and zip it up so that the flowers are standing upright and poking out.

"I'll walk you to lesson." He tells me and I nod, as I begin to walk side by side with him through the corridors, gaining stares from lots of people.

But I don't care. It's the last day.


The Professor turns on a random boring old film to watch, since he can't be bothered teaching us on the last day - I guess it makes sense, since we've covered all the content for this term.

But everyone immediately knows that this film is an absolute bore, since he plays it practically every year and falls asleep at the very first minute. It's simply called 'The History of Magic". Shocker, right?

"Oh my god." Niki groans from beside me, and rests his head on my shoulder.

"I swear you're the one who wants me Niki, shouldn't I be resting on your shoulder?" I ask and he shoots up and nods almost instantly.

"Most certainly." He replies, sitting up straight and tapping his shoulder, signalling for me to lie down which makes me laugh.

"I'm only joking. Lie back down." I tell him, pushing his head back down to my shoulder and I see his ears go red.

Thankfully, since the classroom is dark for the film, and we're sat right at the back of the class where we usually sit, nobody can see us.

Why am I allowing this?

𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | nikiWhere stories live. Discover now