31 | plot twist

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After playing multiple board games with everyone, I've never felt so satisfied and content. Yes, I've always enjoyed spending time with my parents at Christmas, but today was different. It was so fun playing big family games and screaming excitedly whenever something happens that changes the course of the game.

The room was filled with laughter, as well as many eye contact exchanges between Niki and myself during it all. There were even moments where his hand would skim past mine and we'd catch each other smiling, or moments where he'd whisper flirty things into my ear whenever our parents weren't looking.

On top of all that though, Niki got on really well with my dad. They seemed as if they've already known each other for ages, and as I was watching them laughing and chatting to each other... it made me a little sad really. I thought about how Niki must be feeling, knowing that he's never had this sort of connection or comfort with his own father.

Looking at all of this though really makes me wonder about what the future could possibly look like if I was to officially start dating Niki. Where could things go? The thought of it excites me at first, but the more I delve deeper into it, the more scared I become.

My first ever relationship. What if something goes wrong? What if we break up? I know for a fact I won't be able to recover, and that's exactly why I'm postponing admitting to him that I really truly like him.

Until I've made up my mind, and found a perfect moment to tell him, I won't confess. I don't want to be double minded when I admit things to him, and confuse him later down the line.

"Nari save me. The thunder is so scary." Aki says sounding extremely frightened as he cuddles up next to me on the couch.

A storm had arrived about an hour or so ago, and it's been going on for ages. We can practically hear the wind and rain through the walls, as well as the thunder which won't stop booming.

I pull the blanket of the both of us and play with his hair to soothe him. The adults are in the kitchen chatting away whilst myself, Aki and Niki are sat in the living room.

"It'll go away soon, don't worry." I say to him, and Niki who's sat not too far from us, rolls his eyes.

"He's literally eleven years old and he's scared of a little bit of thunder." Niki scoffs as he watches us.

I throw a pillow at him.

"Don't be jealous that I'm not cuddling you instead." I say to him and Aki giggles.

"Nari loves me more than she loves you." Aki states, sticking out his tongue at his older brother.

"Not too sure about that one." He smirks, his eyes locking onto mine before I quickly look away as the adults walk back into the room.

"I'm afraid there's been a situation." Mrs Nishimura says and I sit up straighter, nervously.

"What happened Ma?" Niki asks her and she sighs.

"There's been multiple storm warnings telling people to stay indoors and not go out. So our ride has cancelled on us. I don't know how we're going to get home." She explains.

"Give me the phone, I'll have a word with them." Niki says standing up, and approaching his mum.

"No, no, it's okay. I've tried everything. Mr Akiyama has also spoken to them over the phone but they won't budge. They really can't make it."

"What about floo powder?" I suggest.

"We've run out. But, we have a solution." My mum claps her hands together excitedly. "I suggest that you guys stay over for the night. I'm sure Nari will lend her room to you Aina, and the boys can stay in the guest room."

𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | nikiWhere stories live. Discover now