32 | a feeling like no other

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I remain sat on the bed as Niki takes him, leaving me in deep thought as I wait.

Ever since Niki has come to my house, I've seen a different side to him. He's caring, thoughtful and really truly loves his brother. He's also very respectful and treats his mother well. It's a side that I never got to see in the setting of Hogwarts, but I'm glad I've seen it today.

It reassures me that Niki was right - he's a changed man. He's more mature now.

And on top of all of that, oh my god he is so fine.

"Waiting for me?" His deep voice asks as he returns into the bedroom, slowly and quietly shutting the door behind him, my eyes widening.

I quickly stand up from the bed and fidget with my hands.

"How is he?"

"He'll be fine. Mum's got it sorted." He tells me and I nod, feeling relieved.

Niki takes a step closer to me, and no shock - my heart races again.

"I think I'm gonna go-"

"You won't be able to sleep anyway because of the storm." He says and I look at him surprised that he knows this. "Might aswell keep me company for a little longer, love."



"I can't."

He tilts his head and looks down at me confused.

"Why's that?"

I pause for a moment and bite my lip, before I say, "I'm not myself around you."

There's a moment of silence and he sits down on the bed, facing me as I stand there between his legs, looking down at him as he looks up at me with a soft gaze.

"Tell me more."

I swallow. "As in... I can't act normally. You make me too nervous."

He lets out a low chuckle and my face turns red in embarrassment.

"I've noticed." He says softly, as he holds onto one of my hands. "But my question is..." he pulls me closer to him, one hand on the side of my thigh. "What kind of nervous?"

I let out a breath I never knew I was holding in and I feel his hand stroking my bare thigh gently.

Crap, I shouldn't have worn shorts to bed.

"I think you know what kind." I say to him as he continues to slowly glide his hand up and down my leg, his other hand still holding onto mine.

"And I think nervous is the wrong word you're looking for." He says with a darkened look in his eyes and I swear the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.

What is he implying....?

At that very moment, he pulls both of my thighs towards him, enough so that I'm straddling him, and I hold the sides of his neck with my hands as he shuffles me further into his lap.

I feel something hard beneath me and I let out a short gasp and a smile forms on Niki's face as I look into his eyes nervously.

"Do I make you feel nervous too, Riki?"

He tilts his head, his eyes drifting from mine to my lips, as his hands glide around my waist.

"You know you do Nari." He replies, before whispering in a low tone, "So nervous."

Our faces inch closer to each other, my heart beat increasing with each passing second, and then without a moment to spare - my lips crash onto his with a peck and I quickly pull away.

I look into his eyes and blink nervously, and at first his face is serious, but then a smile slowly forms on his face before he reaches out again and smashes his lips onto mine. The two of us instantly fall into sync.

I'm taken by surprise by my own actions, more so when my hips sway forwards and back, grinding against his lap as his hands soon guide me to push harder.

He lets out heavy breaths everytime we part for a second in the middle of our kiss, whilst small moans escape my mouth during the midst of it all.

We go on like this for moments more, the feeling between my legs like nothing I've ever felt before.

But in a split second, I hear a thud and footsteps coming from outside of the room and we immediately stop. I look at Niki panicked as he just looks at me with a smile, looking somewhat mesmerised.

I quickly get off of him, and stand there trying to catch my breath.

"There's someone outside." I whisper to him and he sits there, leaning against his elbows on the bed, staring at me up and down.

"It should be fine. Probably someone going to the bathroom." He suggests and I begin to fan my face with my hands to cool me down, pacing back and forth in nervousness.

Niki finally stands up and holds my shoulders reassuringly.

"I'll get you out of here, don't worry we won't get caught." He tells me, and I hide my face with my hands, not being able to look at him after what we just did.

He just laughs and guides me out of the room with his hand on my lower back but before he lets me leave, he spins me around, keeping his hand wrapped around my waist.

"So... was that your answer?" He asks with a whisper, and my eyes widen slightly as my cheeks burn red.

"What do you think Niki?"

"I need to hear it from you." He says to me and I stand on my tip toes before whispering into his ear.

"I like you Nishimura Riki."

He looks at me in shock and I quickly peck his cheek before turning around to open the door handle quietly to make my great escape, but he pulls me back instantly, my body colliding into his.

Without warning, he presses his lips onto mine for a few seconds longer and then parts, finally looking satisfied.

"Goodnight Niki." I say to him before quickly scurrying off downstairs, trying my best not to get caught.

I flop down into the sofa, and pull the blanket over me. I only realise once I'm laying down how fast my heart is beating, as well as how breathless I've become.

My first kiss ever. With none other than Nishimura Riki.

I kick my feet excitedly and cover my face with the blanket, laying there in deep thought for at least an hour before I fall asleep.

What a day.


I wake up the next morning with a huge smile on my face and yet again, a butterfly feeling in my stomach. I get up from off the sofa, and rush upstairs to freshen up before everyone wakes up.

But as I'm making my way to bathroom, I find that my bedroom door is open and so is the guest bedroom. I peep inside both rooms and to my confusion and surprise, there's no one there.

My mum comes out of the bathroom looking tired as she yawns.

"Mum, where have they gone?" I ask.

"Their driver game early in the morning so they had to leave." She explains to me lazily.

"Ma! You should've woke me up, I never got to say goodbye." I complain.

"They were the ones who didn't want to disturb your sleep. They practically tip toed out of the house." She tells me and I just stand there in shock and disappointment, sad that I didn't get to see them off.

"It's fine, you'll see Riki and Aki at school anyway. And as for Aina, I'm sure she'll come round more often when you're not at school."

"Fine." I groan and storm off to my room to get more sleep.

There's only a couple more days left until I get to see Niki again - until school starts, I mean. I just have to wait those days out, attempt to be productive and also make sure I get started on my Head Girl application.

No distractions.

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