22 | solution to our problems

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We all take our tokens and run to our chosen bumper cars, Hana and I obviously choosing the sparkly purple one, as we sit in it hurriedly, fastening out seatbelt and putting our token in.

We're experienced, what can we say?

Niki and Jake take the black one, Jungwon and Jay take the orange, Sunghoon and Sunoo take the green and Heeseung is left alone in the red.

"I'LL BE OKAY GUYS! NOT TO WORRY!" Heeseung shouts out, making us all laugh, and gaining stares from other members of the public who are in cars too for our slot.

In about ten seconds, the cars turn on and the lights start flashing as I put my foot down on the accelerator, racing straight towards Niki and Jake's car and bumping right into them, making them squeal like girls as our car spins around in reaction, but I gain control immediately and continue driving in the forward direction.

Hana turns around and points at the two boys in the black car, laughing at them as we take off.

The rest of the time spent is filled with multiple collisions, traffic and laughs. Smiles shared and eye contact exchanged with a certain boy every so often, which makes my stomach flip.

Just for the five minutes that we're in the dodgeoms, I forget everything that's happened between me and Niki, forget all the drama, and just enjoy the fun that I'm having with my new found friends.


After a long, fun day at London, mostly spent in the shopping mall and then a little bit of sight seeing, we finally return to the hotel by bus.

We're all absolutely shattered so we waste no time and rush to our bedrooms and I flop on the bed, my eyes already closing.

I hear Niki enter the room a moment after but I don't move, I physically can't.

"So you've already decided to claim the bed?"

"Unfortunately for you, yes." I reply and I hear him scoff.

"I'm taking a shower." He says and I barely process what he said as my eyes refuse to open.

When Niki leaves to use the en-suite bathroom, I take the opportunity to change into my pyjama shorts and t-shirt, most definitely not even considering to wear the black lingerie Hana gifted me again.

I sit on the bed, scrolling through my phone for another twenty minutes before Niki finally leaves the bathroom, walking into the bedroom and when my eyes meet him, my jaw drops and my eyes widen.

I swear my heart rate increases like crazy, as I stare at the boy with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist, his hair soaking wet, and water dropping down his toned abs and shoulders.

Oh my god. This is what he looks like shirtless!?

I scream internally, and I realise I've been looking for a moment too long and blink quickly, looking elsewhere awkwardly.

"Take a picture Nari, it'll last longer." He chuckles and I throw a pillow at him.

"Get some clothes on you freak." I say, covering my face with my hands.

"My bad." He sighs. "I didn't think this would all be too much for you." He says sounding ever so amused and I groan.

"You're so full of yourself. Try and be humble for once."


Niki returns from getting some clothes on when I feel a dip beside me in the mattress and I uncover my eyes to find him lying back and relaxing.

𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | nikiWhere stories live. Discover now