6 | an absurd idea

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Every hour leading up to this moment was filled with dread. Tutoring Nishimura Riki was not on my bucket list this year, and I'm most certainly not looking forward to it. But I guess it has to be done, since I want a perfect Head Girl application.

My only other concern apart from the fact that Niki is the most disobedient student in our school, is that there's a possibility that rumours could spark again if people find out I'm tutoring him one on one.

I know I shouldn't give a damn about meaningless rumours, but I've never felt such negative attention before - apart from the time where I slipped on slime - in my life. It's all so new to me and overwhelming, and I'm really concerned that I'll end up in some sort of trouble that will ruin the teachers' perception of me.

That's an issue for another day I guess. Right now, I just need to find the courage to enter the library. I take a deep breath, and open the doors, to find it expectedly empty as it usually is at this time of day.

The moonlight shines in through the big windows and I make my way further inside. To my upmost surprise, I find Niki already situated at a desk, with candles lit and his textbook out.

The next thing I notice is the rose tucked behind his ear, aswell as his face which lights up as soon as he realises I'm here.

"Nari, you're here." He says.

"And you're early?" I say confused.

"Of course, can't keep my favourite Ravenclaw waiting." He winks and I scoff.

"What about Jake?"

"Okay you're my second favourite." He says and I roll my eyes, taking a seat opposite him.

"Right, before we begin-"

Niki cuts me off. "Wondering what this rose is for?"

"Not really no." I shrug, taking his text book and opening it.

"Sshh, it's for you." He says, and I look up at him with a weirded out expression as he takes the rose from his ear and hands it to me.

I take the rose and say, "What's the occasion?"

"First day with my tutor. I've got to show some appreciation, no?"

"Wow, didn't expect that from you. Are you sure this isn't a prank or something?" I say, inspecting the rose seriously, and as I bring it closer to me, water immediately squirts out from the flower and onto my face.

I gasp in shock and shoot out of my seat instantly, the rose falling straight to the ground. I glare at the boy who's laughing uncontrollably, and I sit back down in my seat.

I grab some tissue out of my bag and dab my face dry. "So, what is your weakest subject?" I ask as I sit back down calmly, and the boy stops laughing for a moment, his face dropping as he looks at me in confusion.


"Your weakest subject? We'll start with that first."

"Oh. History of Magic I'd say." He clears his throat, titling his head as if to attempt to read my face but there's no expression.

I figured that if I show no reaction to his stupid pranks, he'll give up trying. And so far, it looks like it's working.

My blood is boiling, but I hide it well.


After finally completing the questions I set him, he slides the sheet across the table for me to mark. I begin to check his answers and as I'm doing so, I notice him getting out of his seat, only to move and sit on the seat directly next to me.

𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | nikiWhere stories live. Discover now