17 | off the edge

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My eyes sting when I feel a bright light shining through the window. I attempt to turn my body the other way in my bed, until I realise that something extremely heavy lays on top of me, making it impossible for me to move.

That's when it clicks - this is definitely NOT my bed, and most certainly is NOT my dorm.

Oh my god, I slept with Niki.

I find the boy practically resting on my body, his head resting on my chest and his arms wrapped around me. My stomach flips and my heart begins to race. I pray he doesn't notice.

What do I even do?

I also realise in this moment that my hands are also intertwined with his hair, as if I'd been playing with it at some point.

It feels so soft, I don't blame me.

I notice he starts to wake up as he turns his head, and then slowly opens his eyes and blinks, before looking up at me. He looks down at where his head had been resting and then smirks at me.

"Morning." He says with a deep groggy voice, squinting his eyes as the light blinds the two of us.

"Niki, how did this even happen?" I ask, and he chuckles, laying back down comfortably, my jaw dropping.

How is he so casual about this!?

"You fell asleep first." He says and I turn red in embarrassment.

"Well... how did you end up on top of me?" I ask nervously and he looks up at me and grins.

"I must've rolled over during my sleep." He says.

"Okay get off now." I attempt to push him off and he rolls over, the two of us laughing.

I shuffle myself up and stretch, when I realise that he's just laying there, staring at me without looking away. I try to figure out whether there's something on my face or whatever, but his eyes drift back and forth from my face to my shoulder.

I look down, only to realise that the shirt Hana made me wear, is practically falling off my shoulders.

My bra strap is all exposed and so is a tiny bit of the black bra she gave me. I quickly pull my shirt up in embarrassment and Niki turns away.

"Cute." I hear him say, and I bite my lip.

"I think I should go." I say, getting up and looking at the time. "OH MY GOD, NIKI WE'RE SO LATE."

"What? It's only eight." He yawns and I groan.

"We're going to miss breakfast!"

"This girl."


If you told one month ago me that I'd be waking up in Nishimura Riki's bed, I'd laugh out loud and send you to a mental asylum. How this has happened? I have no clue.

I enter the Potions classroom, ready for today's lesson. Thankfully I made it in time, even though Niki took his sweet time to get to breakfast. I don't know where he's at now though, since he wandered off elsewhere.

His issue if he's late to lesson.

I take a seat in my usual place at the back of the classroom - very unfortunate - I prefer to sit at the front so I can keep concentrated and get to answer more questions. But sadly for me, I got the worst of it, since Niki himself sits directly next to me.

Ten minutes pass by and I notice the Professor looking down at his watch with a concerned expression.

"Nari Akiyama." He calls out.

"Yes Professor?"

"Please go on a look out for Mr Nishimura. I'm sure he's up to no good. If you cannot find him, please report to the Headmistress." He explains to me and I nod, and then notice Heeseung turning around and wiggling his brows at me.

I smile at him before leaving the room with a huff, on my way to find the mischievous boy who usually won't leave me alone during Potions.

I search nearly everywhere, until I make my way closer to the Slytherin Dungeons, where I hear chattering in the empty corridor around the corner.

A sense of Deja vu suddenly hits me, and I don't like the feeling.

I peak around the corner, and blink before taking a look, and I swear I gasp way to loudly, because the two people I see there notice me straight away.

Daphne and Niki. Her arms around his neck, as she reaches up to kiss him.

He takes a step away from her and rushes towards me, but by then I'm already sprinting in the complete opposite direction, my eyes stinging as tears start to spill out.

"Nari! Wait!" He calls out, and unfortunately his long legs are way too fast as he catches up to me way too soon.

He grabs my wrist and stops me from running further, as I stand there sobbing my eyes out.

"Niki, what the fuck?" Is all I say, my voice shaking as I continue to sob.

He looks at me shocked to hear me cursing for the first time, but probably aswell at what seems like my over exaggerated reaction.

But this reaction? It's all real. I know it now.

"Nari, I can explain don't worry."

"You can't Niki. I saw what I saw." My voice is all wobbly now, and quite frankly, it's embarrassing.

But I don't think I could care less in this moment.

"She made the move on me, I promise."

"I don't care." I continue to cry, not being able to get my true feelings across.

"Please, Nari, why are you crying?" He asks and this only makes me upset even more.

"Why?" I laugh through the sobs. "You don't know what she's been doing to me for these past couple of weeks, and this? This has only tipped me over the edge."

"W-what? What has she done to you Nari?" He asks, taking a step closer to me, reaching out his hand to hold the side of my face but before he can, I take a step back, pushing his hand away.

All this anxiety, all this pressure and all this confusion... I had to break at some point. And I still don't know whether to blame Niki for it.

Regardless, I'm pissed off.

"Forget it. That's not what matters right now." I rub my eyes.

"Nari... maybe we shouldn't have started this fake relationship, I know it was my idea but look what's happened." He states and my jaw nearly hits the floor.

What is he getting at? At the fact that he's realised I've gained feelings and now he's backing out because he doesn't feel the same way?

"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't have." Is all I reply with, and I take a glance at his pretty face through my teary eyes for one last moment, knowing that it'll probably be my last time... and I head off, away from him.

All I need to do now is find a soundproof room and scream at the top of my lungs.

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