39 | the ball

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"I can't believe McGonagall has agreed to a ball for the end of year celebration." Hana says excitedly as the both of us attempt to get ready.

Hana has her dress chosen and it's absolutely beautiful. Me on the other hand, I have an option but I'm not too pleased with it. It's an old lilac dress but I don't think it's enough for the ball tonight.

"Girl, you'll look beautiful no matter what." Hana reassures me and I sigh.

"Thank you Hana but I'm not so sure about this dress."

As we're talking, there's a sudden knock at the door. Hana goes up to open it as I sit there sulking but she turns to look at me with a smile on her face.

"Miss Akiyama." She says with a smirk on her face. "There's someone here to see you."

I stand up excitedly and go to the door, my jaw dropping when I find Niki stood there with a gift bag in his hands. I glance down at it and then back into his eyes and my heart skips a beat.

"Uhm, I'll be back I just need to nip out for a second." Hana says and quickly leaves the dorm, leaving me alone here with Niki.

He shuts the door behind him, and enters the room.

"How are you love?" He asks me. "They're announcing the roles today."

"I know... I'm nervous but I'm hiding it." I tell him and he takes a step closer to me, so there's barely any space between us.

He hands me the gift bag, and with a smile he says, "I've been hiding this from you for a while."

I look puzzled before I open it up, and a gasp escapes my mouth when I pull out the most beautiful black dress that looks oddly familiar.

My mind flashes back to months ago.

"This is the dress I tried on back in London right?" I ask and he nods.

"I couldn't tell you then but, you looked so beautiful in it. I couldn't not buy it for you." He says to me and I feel as if I'm about to cry.

"But Niki it's so expensive-"

"I have the money." He states and I place the dress gently on the bed before practically jumping on Niki to give him the biggest hug.

"Thank you so much Niki. You've saved my life with this." I tell him and he looks down at me confused as I keep my arms wrapped around his neck.

"I have?"

"Mhm. I hated the old dress that I had to wear tonight. But this... I'm going to feel a lot more confident in it because you said I looked beautiful."

"You look pretty in anything Nari." He states and I look away feeling shy and he holds the side of my face and turns my head to look at him.

"Now get ready, you're going to be late."

"You too." I say to him, guiding him out of my dorm. "Can't wait to see you in your suit."

"You're going to fold for sure." He says confidently.

"Pfft." I scoff. "We'll see about that."


Hana and I take our sweet time getting ready. She helps me with my hair and makeup once again, and she does an excellent job.

"Girl he's so in love with you." She says randomly.

"What makes you say that?" I laugh as the two of us try to get our heels on whilst wearing our long dresses.

"I just still can't get over the fact that he bought that dress for you. I mean, how romantic is that!?"

"I'm shocked myself." I sigh.

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