12 | new experiences

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I've never been so anxious in my life. Going to a Slytherin Party was never one of my priorities, or something I'd ever even consider. But now, I'm in a lilac minidress with my hair and makeup all done up (thank you Hana) all because of one boy.

Nishimura Riki.

To say I'm dreading to go is an understatement, but it's all part of the deal. Yes, he may have invited another girl to the party too, but I guess he can? We're not in a real relationship.

If he does anything more than that... that's when the line will be crossed, since there's a major risk of us having to beak up publicly - for my own self respect - before he completes his exams.

But we need to see this through until the end just to ensure that Riddle is completely off my back.

"I'm so glad Jake told you to come Hana. I don't think I could do this alone." I tell her.

"What do you mean alone? Niki would've been with you."

"Yes but you've known me longer and not saying that I don't trust Niki, but I trust you a lot more."

I don't trust Niki.

"Awh, you're so cute Nari." She giggles, taking my hand as we leave our dorm. "But we got to go now."

We leave the Ravenclaw common room and we're met with Jungwon, Jake and Sunoo stood outside.

"Hey guys." I smile, looking at them confused.

"We thought we'd wait for you to take you to the Slytherin Dungeons." Jake tells us, mostly looking at Hana.

"And to make sure you don't get caught on the way there." Jungwon adds. "Since this is your first time."

Jungwon is so sweet.

"You girls look stunning by the way." Sunoo tells us and I thank him, before we head off.


I knew it would be bad, but the loudness of the music, the smell of alcohol and muggle herbs are way too much for me to handle. The Slytherin common room is almost fully packed, with majority of people either dancing or making out in different areas of the room.

Green lights flash around and I imagine this is what it's like to be at a club.

"Nari!" Hana shouts over the loud music.


"Let's dance!" She shouts again and I shake my head, praying that I wouldn't have to but before I can protest further, she's already dragging my to the dance floor, taking both my hands as she forcefully makes me dance to the music.

"I don't know why I'm here!" I shout over the music.


"I said, I don't know why am I here!"

"OHHH! Just have fun Nari!" She tells me and I decide to listen to her whilst still being cautious.

I begin to grow more comfortable and confident whilst dancing, but Jake suddenly steals my dance partner Hana away from me.

I thought I'd be left alone, but then I notice a boy approaching me with a smile, and I realise it's Theodore Nott, one of Riddle's friends.

I attempt to retreat, but before I can, he shouts, "Are you okay!?"

For some reason, he sounds genuine and his face looks almost worried for me. I ditch any plans to run away and nod.

"I'm fine!"

𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 | nikiWhere stories live. Discover now