4. A knight and the shadows<ii>🧚🏽

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Soon enough everywhere's dead quiet. Not a single sound is heard. Although Alex longs to socialize,he also likes his peace and alone time, especially when he's reading.

Currently, he's in his own space. The candle is lit. He seats on the floor and there's a sizzling hot tea beside him.

From book to book he tries to pass away time. Even though he's not allowed to go out and really talk to people; at least their chatters, giggles and footsteps make him feel safe and comfortable. But now the place is dead silent.

Soon enough he finishes reading all the books he has,and finishes eating and drinking all the food and water. It seems extreme boredom makes him extremely hungry and thirsty.

With a sigh he lies on the floor and spreads himself. He watches the dwindling fame. Trying to find it's beauty and admire it. But he's still very bored.

He sits up back again and groans loudly and lies back again.

“ I'm hungry,” he says to himself. He looks to the corner of the wall where he kept his food,but he's eaten everything.

He swallows and turns to the side. He looks at his window which is actually a large square hole that's been covered by wood nailed to it's corners.

He feels like slipping through the spaces the wood gives. He turns to the other side to escape the temptations.

The candlelight starts dwindling and it goes out.

“ Great... absolutely wonderful,” he said in sarcasm after sighs. He groans loudly. And that's when I idea struck him.

” I'm hungry,the lights are out. If I were to leave this room and maybe go to the palace, I'd have an excuse,” he thought.

He bites his lower lip and heads to the door. His both hands are on the door. He moves them round the door.

“ The door is bolted," he said. “ There's no way I'll get out,” he said sadly. But even with the odds against him,he decides to have some faith. He pushes the door and it opens immediately.

“ ahh!,” he shouts as the door is ripped off it's hinges and he falls on the door.  He groans in slight pain.

He looks back. “ I thought Ned bolted the door,” be said in confusion. He looked around to see if maybe the wood and nails Ned used would be on the floor...but nothing's there.

“ huh”

He stands up and dusts himself. He looks at the direction of the kingdom. He sucks it up and proceeds to take a step. But his movement is stopped when he hears the gate creeking.

He stops for a moment and thinks...go the castle..or go and explore what's behind the gate for a little while.

“ I'm sorry Ned,” he said and sneakishly runs to the gate.

He stops at the gate and sees it slightly open. And then his curiosity got the better of him. Hesitantly he takes a step by putting one of his legs outside the gate. After seeing that nothing bad happened he fully went through.

Outside the town of Khaleria,the woods face it. And there's a path that leads to Khaleria through the forest.

Enticed by it,he takes the path and goes into the forest.

He walks in and is intrigued by it. He was most intrigued by the fireflies. The way they lit up the forest with their lights.

He giggles as a swarm of them rise from the ground and start dispersing into the forest. He beholds the beauty of the light. He hops and twirls as they circle him and dance by making precise movements and shapes.

He laughs and dances. He got to a point where instead of hearing joyful sounds he hears grunts and the swinging and clanking of a sword.

He walks closer to the sound. But he's blocked by two shrubs only an inch taller than him.

He uses his hand and makes space in the middle. And he's horrified at the sight.

A knight fending off two creatures he's never seen before.

They were black and the looked smokey. They had numerous teeth, antler's black horns and a long tail with an arrow head at the tip. They had claws...very sharp claws.

They claw and snarl at him. He uses his shield to fend one off and uses his sword to swipe at the other.

Leon looks closely at the symbol on the knights armor.

“ That's an Alexandrian symbol,” he said very quietly.

One of the creatures wraps his tail around the knight and drags him up and then hurls him at a thick tree.

A gasp escapes from Alex's mouth. Unfortunately,the creatures pick up that gasp and turn to his directions. Their red eyes making them look ever viscous. They start to growl and bring out their claws and get ready to pounce on him.

Without a second thought he starts running.

The creatures growl and run after him. He's not as fast as they are. They hop on tree to tree.. snarling and their mouths foaming.

The knight regains his consciousness and runs after them.

One of the creatures roars. And that roar was so loud and carried so much force that blew Alex to the ground.

“ ah!,” Alex shrieks as he reaches the floor and hits his forehead.

Alex's vision is blurry. He tries getting up. But he's weak. He could only weakly walk on his knees... trying to escape.

Once the creatures get to him they stop and start prowling. They snort. They're hesitant. And they don't know why.

A loud shout is heard from behind. It's the knight. He yells as he jumps and raises his long sword to attack.

The creatures roar. One of the stops him mid air by using his sharp tail to Pierce through his thigh.

The knight falls and shrieks. Dark veins appear on his leg. The wound is deep and his flesh appears to the purple and so is his blood.

Dark veins start appearing all over the knights body and he starts gasping for air.

They turn back to Alex who's fighting for strength.

The two creatures lock their tails and combine themselves into one being with two heads. They use their massive thick tail and hold him up.

Alex screams. Tears start strolling down his cheeks....

TO BE CONTINUED...🧚🏽🧚🏽🧚🏽🧚🏽

Hi, 👋
I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter,
Sorry if the beginning was a little boring,
And also I'm thinking of changing Leon's name to Alex...what do you think?

Please vote, comment and share!
Thank you 🧚🏽
God bless ❤️ ✨


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