Peasant!Allison Prince!Scott

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Allison is just a farmers daughter, a peasant really, Scott's a Prince and next in line for the throne.

Allison Argent was tending to the horses when her father Chris Argent ran in.

"Allison dear, the Prince wishes to see you." Chris said nervously.

"Me? Why does he wish to see me? Father, we're peasants." Allison asked in confusion. This was all she knew. Helping her father tend to the horses and the crops. She had known it for 17 years now. 17 was over the legal age of marriage in their realm. Girls were married off at 16, boys were as well, meaning the Prince was soon to be wed. She had heard many great things about Prince Scott. He was kind to his people, generous, and widely loved by all. But it was uncommon for a Prince to be among peasants.

"Yes darling, now come, we musent keep the Prince waiting." Chris said grabbing her arm and hurrying her along their long stretch of land and back to their home.

"But father-" Allison started but Chris hushed her as they made their way into the house. Allison blushed when she looked up to see Prince Scott. She had never seen him before now, and she was sorry she hadn't.

"Prince Scott, my daughter, Allison Victoria Argent." Chris bowed as he presented Allison. Prince Scott gave her a charming smile. He reached for her hand and kissed her knuckles.

"Allison, I'm Prince Scott McCall. If you haven't already figured out why I am here, well, I'll tell you. It is because I am to be wed. And I was given a month to choose a girl that my mother and father approved of, and I believe you fit that category perfectly. If your father agrees, as well as you, you will come back to the castle with me and we will get married. You shall be my queen." Prince Scott explained. Allison blushed.

"I'm sorry your highness, but, I am but a peasant, a stable girl. How do you find me to be your perfect match?" Allison asked in confusion.

"I saw you in the market the other day and I felt as if I was struck by Cupid himself. Love at first sight if you will. Now Mr. Argent do you agree to me taking your daughters hand in marriage?" Prince Scott asked Chris. Chris nodded wildly. Scott then turned to Allison again. "And Ms. Argent, do you wish to be wed to me?" He asked. Allison blushed again and nodded her head.

"I'd love to be wed to you." She replied. Prince Scott nodded.

"Pack your bags, we leave at dawn." He said before asking Chris if there were any Inn's near by.

The castle was beautiful. And the help was amazing, even if Allison wasn't used to having her own servant/hand maiden. Prince Scott's servents name was Stiles Stilinski. His father was one of the McCall's royal gaurds. Stiles was also dating Allison's servant, Lydia Martin. She was very sweet and they seemed to be getting along great. Allison was sure with due time they would be the best of friends.

"Allison dear, its time." Lydia said from her spot behind her. She was doing Allison's hair. The finishing touches to everything that needed to be done today. She was marrying Prince Scott McCall, and tomorrow he would have his coronation and become king of his realm. And she would become the queen. Queen Allison Victoria McCall. She was beyond happy.

"I'm ready." She nodded. Her father had come all the way from the village to give her away at todays ceremony. She and Lydia walked down the hall, Allison in a beautiful pure white, silk dress with a baby doll neck line and Lydia in one of her dresses that looked similar to Allison's except it was baby blue. Stiles met them half way down the hall telling them they were all ready and Chris was waiting by the doors of the ballroom for Allison. He took Lydia and ran off leaving Allison to finish the walk by herself. She had been living her for 3 weeks now and was proud to say she knew her way around. She saw her father at the end of the hall with a large smile on his face as he held out his arm.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." Allison replied. They opened the doors and music started to play. The ballroom was beautiful, there were roses lining the walls along with white satin steamers hanging in curves from the ceiling. And at the end of the room standing in front of the alter was Prince Scott. Her father walked her down and gave her to Scott with a promise that he would kill him if she was hurt, king or no king, their would be hell to pay. Scott nodded in agreement and said he would never hurt her.

"We are gathered here today...." the priest started but Allison was only focused on Scott.

"You look gorgeous." He whispered. Allison blushed.

"You don't look to bad yourself." She smiled.

"Scott Raphael McCall, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked. Scott smiled and looked into her eyes as he answered.

"I do." He said as he slipped a beautiful sliver ring in her finger.

"And do you, Allison Victoria Argent, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest asked. Allison smiled widely as she too looked him in the eye's.

"I do." She replied as she slipped a similar looking ring in his ring finger as well.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." The priest said. Scott grinned as he pulled her in for a kiss.

1 year later❤

"Dada!" 6 month old Alexis McCall screeched happily as she scooted twoard him.

"Hello my little Princess, did you have a good day with mommy?" Scott asked as he leaned down to scoop her up and planted kisses all over her chubby cheeks. Alexis giggled and patted his cheeks before giving him a slobery kiss in return.

"Ma! Ma!" She giggled. Allison came walking in the room looking well rested but still sleepy.

"Hello beautiful, how was your day?" Scott asked as he leaned in for a kiss.

"Great, she took a few steps." Allison beamed before making her way to the dinning hall with Scott following behind with Alexis.

"That's amazing! Good job Princess!" Scott said giving Alexis a kiss on the forehead.

"I also went to the healer earlier." Allison said quietly. Scott looked surprised

"Oh? And what did he say?" Scott asked as he set Alexis down in her high chair and went to grab her a banana.

"I'm pregnant." Allison smiled. Scott dropped the banana on the floor and grabbed her in a hug and spun her around before setting her down.

"That's great!!! Alexis you'll be getting a sibling soon!" Scott said excitedly. Alexis clapped along with his excitement.

"Nana! Nana!" She screeched. Scott smiled before grabbing her the banana and peeling it.

"We'll teach her 'Sibling' later." Scott smiled as he fed Alexis the banana. Allison just laughed and sat down with her own breakfast.

(Make requests please, comment them, inbox them, doesn't matter, make a request for a scallison oneshot and I'll add it to this story!!! Thanks for reading! ❤❤)

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