Chris Is Gay.

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(He tells Alexis)

       Alexis walked into the house after school, she was tired and wanted to take a nap before she had to go to dinner at Lucas's grandma and grandpa's house. It was her uncle Jackson's mom and dad. Lucas didn't want to go alone and he was positive his grandparents would want to meet her so he decided to ask if she could attend.

       Alexis walked herself upstairs, seeing Chris sitting on her bed when she got into her room was a shock. All she wanted was a nap.

   "Hey Chris. What's going on?" Alexis asked. She loved her brother, but sometimes the almost 14 year old could work her nerves.

   "I just want to tell you something before I tell mom and dad." Chris said as he wrung his hands together. Alexis had no idea what he wanted to tell her, but he knew that he could trust her with anything, so she couldn't understand why he was so nervous.

   "Okay. Go for it." Alexis said as she took a seat in front of him. Chris looked up, and she could see how nervous he was in his eyes.

   "Alexis, I'm gay." Chris said quickly and quietly. Alexis took a second to take it in before she said anything.

   "Okay, I always kind of figured you were. No offense, I mean that in the nicest possible way. But, what made you realize?" Alexis asked. She took his hands so he wouldn't hurt himself with the way he was wringing them.

   "Uhm, Elliot Hale told me he liked me and wanted to date me. That was like a week ago. I told him I didn't even know if I liked boys. I asked for some time to think things through. And I do like boys, and I'm dating Elliot now." Chris explained. He had tears in his eyes now.

   "Hey don't cry." Alexis pulled him into his arms. Chris let out a watery laugh.

   "I'm just really happy that you understood and weren't a jerk to me about this. Like, I knew you would accept it and I know mom and dad will as well, but you know, I just... I was really nervous." Chris shrugged. He pulled back and wiped his face. "I plan on telling mom when she gets back in a little bit."

   "Don't even worry Chris. We'll always love you no matter what. And I believe that Mr. Elliot Hale it quite the catch. Nice work." Alexis grinned. Chris smiled at her.

   "I'm going to go spend some time in my room, have fun at your dinner tonight." Chris smiled. Alexis pulled him into one more hug and then let him go.

(He tells Allison)

       Allison walked into the house, knowing that Alexis was probably already gone to her dinner with Lucas. That left Chris and Scott at home with her tonight.

   "Mom, is that you?" Chris called. Allison smiled.

   "Yeah, I'm down stairs, I just got home." Allison called back. She heard a few thumps before Chris's feet were pounding down the steps.

   "Hey, I need to talk to you." Chris had a nervous smile on his face.

   "Alright. Why don't you sit at the counter while I start dinner." Allison offered. Chris nodded.

   "That might actually be a bit easier for me." Allison shrugged, whatever was easier for him she guessed. He was probably going to ask for money and needed her distracted or something.

   "Alright Chris, go for it." Allison replied.

   "So the other day, something happened that made me change my way of thinking. Some sort of life changing things happened and now... well... mom I'm gay." Chris explained. Allison turned around, a large smile on her face as she took everything in.

   "You're gay?" she asked, he nodded to her. "Am really happy you told me Chris. And just so you know, there is nothing to worry about. No matter who you are, I will always love you. So will the rest of the family. Now, what was the life changing thing that happened?"

   "Elliot Hale asked me out. I really made me think. I didn't even ever look at boys, but then he asked and I told him I needed to think about it all before I gave him an answer." Chris explained.

   "Did you give him an answer yet?" Allison asked. Chris smiled.

   "I have been dating him for a week now." Chris answered. Allison grinned.

   "I'm really happy for you Chris. Have you told anyone else yet?" Allison asked as she turned back around to start up the oven. She walked over to Chris when she was done and pulled him into a hug.

   Chris hugged her back. "Yeah. I told Alexis and you. I plan on telling dad once he's home. If you don't mind I'd like to do it alone." Chris said softly. Allison nodded.

   "Sure, I'll let you tell him before we sit down for dinner. No, help me start dinner." Allison said.

   "Okay, thanks mom." Chris smiled.

(He tells Scott)

       "Hey dad." Scott jumped the second he walked in the door. Chris was sitting on the couch, watching him walk through the door.

   "Hey bud, what's going on?" Scott smiled.

   "I have to tell you something." Chris said as he patted the seat beside him.

   "Why do I fell like you're the parent and I'm the child about to be scolded." Scott laughed as he sat down next to Chris. "What do you need to tell me?"

   "Well, mom said it would be better to just come out and tell you, so, dad, I'm gay. Elliot Hale asked me out and it made me realize that I don't like girls, I like boys." Chris said softly.

   "Wow, this feels like Stiles all over again. You know you'll always be loved and excepted no matter who you are, right?" Scott asked. Chris smiled and nodded. "Great, so, are you dating Elliot now?"

   "Yeah, its been a week since I agreed to date him." Chris smiled even bigger.

   "I'm glad you told me Chris. Did you tell anyone else?" Scott asked.

   "I told Lex first then mom and now you." Chris answered. Scott pulled him into a hug.

   "So, when am I going to meet this Elliot Hale formally?"


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