S4.EP9 The Boyfriend Complexity/ Swimming Pool

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The apartment. All of the guys were there reading comic books.

Raj: You know who's got to be the bravest person in the Marvel Universe? Whoever has to give She-Hulk a bikini wax.

Howard: You want to talk brave, how about Captain America's undocumented Mexican gardener?

Leonard: He's not braver than whoever uses the bathroom after The Thing?

Y/N: No, the most brave is whoever has to deal with a pregnant superhero. I have more bruises from Pregnant Missy than in any fight.

Sheldon: As usual, you're all wrong. The bravest person in the Marvel Universe is the doctor who gives Wolverine his prostate exam.

Howard: How about the guy who gets a prostate exam from Wolverine?

Sheldon: Now you're just being silly. Wolverine's never displayed the slightest interest in helping others prevent prostate cancer. (Answering phone) Hello. Yes, the elevator's out of order you'll have to use the stairs. Of course, you can. Pizza dates back to the 16th century, while the first elevator was not installed until 1852. That means that for over 300 years, people carried pizzas upstairs. Be part of that proud tradition.

Y/N: I'll go get Missy from her nap while that guy spits on our food.

Leonard: I'll go get Penny.

Once they both leave Raj asks.

Raj: Do you think they gave Wolverine an Adamantium prostate?

Howard: That's a stupid question.

Raj: We're having a conversation about probing the heinies of superheroes. There are no stupid questions.

Penny's door. An old man answers it.

Man: Yes?

Leonard: Oh, um, is Penny here?

Man: You're Leonard, right?

Leonard: Yeah.

Man: Damn, it's good to finally meet you, son.

Leonard: Okay, I think a bit of context here might help.

Penny: Oh, hey, Leonard. I see you met my dad.

Leonard: Oh, good. Context.

Penny's Dad: Come on in, buddy. Take a load off.

Penny: Oh, gee, dad, Leonard can't stay. He just dropped by to say hello. Thanks for stopping by, sweetie. I'll see you later. (Kisses him passionately) Bye.

She closes the door in his face.

Leonard: That was odd.

Missy: You're telling me.

The 4A apartment.

Sheldon: Are you sure you have enough comics? You're going to be monitoring the telescope for 12 hours, and by my estimate, you've only selected seven hours of reading material. That's even factoring in your difficulty in parsing American comic book idioms like Bamf and Snikt.

Raj: Is that racist? It feels racist.

Howard: Don't be oversensitive. He's calling you illiterate, not your race.

Raj: Oh, okay. Good. I don't need more comics. Howard's gonna stop by, we're gonna play intergalactic battleship and Indian Monopoly.

Sheldon: I don't care for novelty editions of Monopoly. I prefer the classics, regular and Klingon.

Howard: Actually, Indian Monopoly's just like regular, except the money's in Rupees, instead of hotels you build call centers, and when you pick a chance card, you might die of dysentery. Just FYI, that was racist.

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