S4. EP10 The Alien Parasite Hypothesis/ The Nobel Winner

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Y/N and Missy were walking down the stairs in the apartment complex, Missy hooked Y/N's arms.

Missy: It feels nice waking up next to a Nobel winner.

Y/N: I thought it would feel different but my life feels the same. I expected my life to change but it still feels the same. Even though I -

His phone beeped. He checked.

Y/N: It's from my grandma. She said, "Congrats, and your mum would be proud of you, just like I am."

Missy: That's sweet.

Y/N: Yeah, I know. Weirdly, the person I grew up with is completely different from the one I call Grandma. Times change.

Missy: Everything changes.

Y/N goes to put his phone away but he gets another text.

Y/N: It's from Leonard's mom. She said congratulations. How did she even get my number?

Missy just shrugged, having no clue as Y/N went to put his phone away but he got another text.

Y/N: It's from George, he says congratulations. Oh, a text from Meemaw. I even got a text from Cece, she says "Well done now I have to learn about your stupid theory." That's a good one. Next, I got a text from George's ex-wife, Mandy saying "Congrats."

Missy: How many people are texting you?

Y/N: I don't know, it just keeps going and going.

As he stated his phone beeped repeatedly as Y/N continued to read them.

Y/N: I got a text from Mary. She says "Congratulations. We're going to be doing a listening party in Texas to celebrate. Everyone back home is so proud of you."

Y/N: I got a text from Neil deGr- And I'm done reading these texts.

Missy: What's wrong with you Dr Tyson?

Y/N: He demoted Pluto, I liked Pluto.

Missy: Okay, I think that's enough about Science, what are we going to do about dinner?

They got to the ground floor, where they saw a bunch of reporters.

Y/N: I think everyone wants to talk science.

Missy: Why are there so many?

Y/N: I think eating with the guys is for the best.

Missy: Yeah, and I'll go with the girls.

Y/N: Sounds like we have our nights planned.

Both of them just turned walking back upstairs not willing to deal with the swarm of reporters.

A little while later. In the 4A apartment, all the guys were eating in silence.

Sheldon: Clarify something for me. Isn't the point of a communal meal the exchange of ideas and opinions? An opportunity to consider important issues of the day?

Leonard: It is. You just kind of put a damper on things when you said, the next person I see talking with food in their mouth will be put to death.

Sheldon: Well, we could argue about who said what all night long, but to set things back on course, I will propose a new topic of conversation.

Leonard: Great.

Sheldon: What is the best number? By the way, there's only one correct answer.

Raj: Five million, three hundred eighteen thousand and eight?

Sheldon: Wrong.

Y/N: Doesn't that spell boobies on the calculator?

Raj smiled as Y/N could only shake his head with a smile.

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