~ Chapter 74 ~

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Chapter 74
Friday March 3rd
Harry's pov

The room filled with applause when I finished the last line that I had to say during my "auditioning" script. Jeff had reached out to the casting director of The Little Mermaid and has been in talks with them for the last few days. They had extended the role towards me right away, saying they'd be honored for me to be in the film, and how they've seen the widespread talk Don't Worry Darling had when it was announced I was in it.

I just went in today to run a few lines with them and make sure that both parties were ready and willing to really solidify the deal.

"You nail it every time" Michael got up from the table first and shook my hand. He's the only one in this room that I've worked with previously, and even then it was years ago back when I filmed one of my first movies.

"Thank you" I nodded at him.

Joining him was the casting director, Sheryl. "That was a great performance. I will be in contact with your manager very soon to finalize paperwork. We would love to have you"

"I appreciate that, thank you. I'm looking forward to it" I smiled at her and then said my goodbyes to everyone in the room before I left. I would have stuck around longer, however I was kind of in a hurry.

Lennon and the twins had woken up not feeling very great, I don't know where they could have caught a sickness from, but we didn't want Theo or I to catch onto it. We decided that I would pick up Theo from school tonight and then take him back to Jeff's house and he'd spend the weekend with me. I had to be at Theo's school in 15 minutes, and I was 20 minutes away, and I just hoped there wasn't any traffic on the road.

I already had my meeting with The Little Mermaid team set up since the beginning of this week, and I didn't want to change things last minute on them, so now it was a rush. I had to grab him from school, grab us some dinner from a drive through, and then get him ready and at his dance studio for class.

"The light is green" I groaned to myself as we've just been sitting here.

Eventually when the person in front of me learned how to drive, I was able to continue on my route to Theo's preschool. At least when I pulled in at 5:03, I wasn't the only parent who was a few minutes late to get their child.

"Hi. Who is your child?" The kid behind the front desk at me. I know Lennon's told me it before, but I don't remember it.

"Theo Styles" I answered. I know that he knows Theo is mine, I'm here with Lennon twice a week to grab them from school, and he's always side eyeing me the entire time. I think he's still hurt over the fact that Lennon rejected him a few months back.

"Can I see your ID?" He asked.

I internally groaned, knowing he's just doing this to be aggravating right now, but pulled out my license and slid it across the counter to him. He looked it over and double checked the records in his computer, before going down the hallway without saying a word to me.


I waited a few minutes and stared at the pictures on the wall until Theo came running at me excitedly calling out "Daddy!"

Is that enough ID for you Logan?

"Hi baby! How was school?" I took his backpack from him and grabbed his hand. I waved to Liam, who didn't return the favor, and crossed the street with Theo to my car.

"Good. Where's mommy?" Theo climbed into his carseat.

"She's sick with Lia and Atti, remember?" I reminded him, checking his buckles and then getting into my seat.

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