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Rena's POV

"Hey did you hear?" I heard a small group of people talking as I peacefully drank my tea.

"Hear what?"

"They spotted 'the shadow reaper' killing again. They said he killed a guy who murdered his own wife and children." I didn't know I was well known... *sighs* that's bad... I need to keep on the down low.

"Thank goodness for 'the shadow reaper'. He's been such a good help. I wonder who he is?"

I got up from my seat with a smile on my face.
'If only they knew who the shadow reaper was, but why do they keep insisting that I'm a guy.' I thought.

I got out of the store and headed toward the forest to sleep for a while. I walked for a couple of hours and felt someone following me. 'I see people are follow me. I wonder who they are? Ah, I found the perfect tree.' I hugged the tree for a good 10 seconds and climbed it with my hands. You don't want people to know what you can do. I fell a sleep with my bag next to me.

~ Time Skip 30 minutes~

I heard a something in the bushes and I called out," You can come out now I know your there."

I heard the bush russle a few more times before 4 people came to view. I narrow my eyes and observed them carefully. The first man had silver or grey defying gravity hair, he wore a mask that covered half his face,his head band that had the leaf village symbol over he'e left eye, he had on a long black sleeve shirt with read swirls on both shoulders, on top of his shirt was a green vest, he wore black pants that had bandages towards the end, he also wore simply black ninja shoes. The next guy had black hair and a beard he had the same outfit as the silver or grey hair guy, but had something tied on his waist and he was smoking. The person next to him was a woman, she had long black hair with red eyes, she wore a kimono that came up to her thigh, and had bandages on her arm. The last guy had a bowl hair cut and had huge eye browns, he wore a green jump suit, over the green jump suit was the same green vest that the other guys got, and to complete the look he had leg warmers.

I looked at them and asked,"What is it that you want?"

The guy with grey hair said," We wanna know what your doing here."

"Simple, I was just taking a nap before you disturbed me. If that's all you want to know then I'll be on my way." I said as I jumped out of the tree and landed on the ground. I was about to walk away when the grey hair guy got in my way.

"And where do you think your going?" He asked.

"Like I said,'I'm getting out of here since you people are here.'" I told him.

"What's a little girl like you doing in the woods alone?" The only women in the group asked.

"Argg, how many times do I have to tell you I was taking a nap.Now that you guys are here I'm leaving." I was ready to leave when the grey hair guy blocked my path again.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"It's common curtsey to tell your name first before asking other their name y'know." I told him.

"My name is Kakashi Hatake."

"Oh,the copy cat ninja, interesting." I thought

I turned around and said,"What are your names?"

"I'm Kurenai Yuhi." The woman with black hair said.

"Asuma Sarutobi." The guy with the cigar said.

"I'm the handsome blue beast of the leaf. I'm Maito Gai." The guy with the jump suit said.

"Well, I'm Rena.... Rena Ketsu." I told them.

"Well, Rena what are you doing all alone in the woods? Where's your parents?." Kurenai asked.

"None of your business." I said as I turn back around to face Kakashi.

"Well, I guess we have to take you back to Konoha with us." He stated.

"I'm not going anywhere with any of you people." I said back.

"I guess we have to use force than. Sorry but you might be a threat to our village." Asuma said.

I smirked at them. They narrowed their eyes and in a blink I was gone. I reappeared infront of Gai and kick him where the sun don't shine and he fell in pain holding it. I laughed as I pulled out a few kunai and threw them at the other two. Which they dodged and threw a few of there kunai at me as well. I did a few hand signs and whispered," Fire style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu."

Copy cat decided to deflect it. He did a few hand sign and said," Water Style: Water Ball Jutsu." The collision of both jutsu created a big thick fog. I couldn't see where they were but I could sense them. I turn towards three o'clock and made a few hand signs again. "Fire Style: Flower Phenix Jutsu. Arg, I missed damn it."

I was about to turn around when I felt something on my neck.

"Move and I'll cut your neck, got it." I nodded my head and thought,"Darn it. Stupid Copy Cat Ninja."

"Good job Kakashi." Gai said.

"Okay now let's tie her up and get back to Konoha." Asuma said. They all nodded and tied me up.

"RENA MY FLOWER YOU ARE SUCH A YOUTHFUL GIRL!!!" Gai shouted over and over again.

I had an irk on my head. "Just keep saying that and I'll kick you." I thought.

After a good minute he yelled," RENA MY WONDERFUL YOUTHF-" I interrupted him by kicking him square in the face. I landing in a squatting position and yelled," Say that one more time I'll make sure your head is dislocated from your body!!!"

"Okay, now we have to tie your feet together as well apparently." Kakashi said sweat dropping.

Asuma tied my feet together as Kakshi lefted me onto his shoulder.

"Hey don't carry me like a sack of potatoes. I'm a human being." No reply. "Hey are you listening to me?"

"Oh, look Rena we're here." Kurenai said.

I looked at the gates struggling against the restrains and yellling," YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!!!!!

Rena Ketsu :Her Beginning (NarutoWattyAwards 2nd Place 2016!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now