Surprise Bakashi!!

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Kakashi's POV

I sighed, I'm currently standing in front of the Hokage for our final applications for the Chunnins Exams. I wish Rena was here. Than again she has her own country to run and it won't be fair if I kept her all to myself, she is the queen in her country, but if I did end up visiting the Shadow Country.... a shiver ran down my spine, I don't even want to know how they would treat me there. I bet they'd put me in a suit and try to remove my mask, not mention the crown.


Seriously, if I have to set foot in that country I hope they don't treat my like they treated Rena.


Now that I think about it Rena should be coming here soon. I can't wait to see her.


I snapped out of my thoughts and rubbed the back of my head sheeply. Crap I wasn't listening to the Hokage,"Hai, Hokage-sama?"

Everyone in the room deadpan,"K-Kakashi, we were talking about the Chunin Exams." Asuma commented, speeding me up to date.

"Wait, when's the Chunin exams??" I asked scratching the back of my neck again.

Once again everyone in the room deadpan again. "Kakashi, focus! The Chunin Exams are in a week from now. We are discussing the teams and regulations for the exams this year, please pay attention." I nodded my head. "Good, now care to explain why your so out of it today?"

I laughed awkwardly,"Well you see Hokage-sama, Rena said she'll be coming during the third part of the exams so....." I turned my head away and blushed.

I saw him smirk,"Oh, I see than Kakashi. It is quite ordinary for their husbands to be worried about their wife."

I sighed and just payed attention to the rest of the meeting instead of floating up in my own thoughts. Once the meeting was over I pulled out my book and walked out the door towards my apartment. I was walking down the streets when I heard a familiar annoying voice,"KAKASHI-SENSEI!!!" I sighed and tucked my book in my pouch, Naruto... just when it was down right peaceful.

I turned around and faced him with a closed eye smile,"Yes, Naruto?"

Naruto was now in front of me hands on his knees and breathing heavily. He held up one finger and after a couple of minutes started to talk," Have you seen Rena anywhere?"

"Huh, what are you talking about Naruto? Rena isn't here right now she's too busy at the Shadow Country."

He gave me a questioning look,"Than why did I see her earlier at Ichiraku's, not to mentions all those guards with her. "She's here? I thought that she would get here for the third part of the exams? It must've been a look a like, than again she has guards with her.

  "She had like 5 of them surrounding her." 5?!?!! Why not just 2 or 3, why 5?!?!!

"It was kinda hard to talk to her when people you don't know are near her and stuff. Though after Ichiraku's-" That's it I need to find her and find out why she's here? Maybe she's done with her work and she came to live here, though I highly doubt it for she's with guards. Back to the main topic here, I wonder if Naruto knows where she is?

"Naruto.", I said sternly," Did she mention where she would be? I need to talk to her."

He frowned a little than Ruffles his hair a bit,"Hmm, well she did say something about going to reunite with someone and do some stuff. She did say where she was going, but I don't really remember. Though I don't really know what she means by-" She's probably going to my place to meet me there.


I snapped out of my thoughts and glanced down at Naruto,"Yes, Naruto?"

He sighed,"Did you even listen to what I was saying?" He asked me.

I reached down and ruffled his hair,"Of course I did, but to make sure could you repeat that?" I asked him.

He sweat dropped,"Well, I remember what she told me." I nodded my head at him,"She said something about catching up with someone and surprising them at their place, or whatever that mean."

I smiled under neath my mask,"Good job, Naruto. Next time I'll treat you to ramen."

He's eyes sparkled and he grinned,"ALRIGHT, KAKASHI-SENSEI!!!"

I put my hands to a tiger seal,"Oh and Naruto, inform the team to meet me at the bridge at noon, Ja ne." I disappeared and reappeared at my apartment. I put my hand on the knob, Here goes nothing.

I twisted the doorknob and opened the door. The door open the whole way and I looked at the floor to see six shoes, Great her body guards are here as well.

I closed the door, took off my shoes, walked into the living room only to be trampled and pinned down by five people. I looked up to see five shadow country head bands. I heard loud footsteps coming this way and a gasped,"HEY, guys get off him. He's Kakashi!" I heard a familiar voice say.

I was quickly unpinned and felt no weight on my back. I got off the floor and stood up to see the five guards bowing,"Please accept our humble apologies, Kakashi-sama."

"Uhh... it's find, I guess? Just call me Kakashi, no need for the sama." I scratched the back of my neck.

One guard stepped forward,"Kakashi-sama," I sweat dropped, I just asked them not to call me that. "We cannot call you just Kakashi for you are the King of our Country, our ruler along with Rena-sama." I glanced at Rena and gave a pleading look. She giggled as she walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder,"Alright that's enough, I don't think Kakashi can take this anymore. You guys can go I'm safe with Kakashi."

"But my lady-"

Rena cut him off when she raise her hand,"Don't worry now," She took her hand off my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my waist,"He'll protect me, I chose him as our king for a reason, are you doubting my choice."

"No, Milady. Very well, we'll take our hawk positions, Rena-sama," The guard looked at me,"We are sorry for doubting our king. I hope you forgive us, Kakashi-sama." He bowed.

"That's find but-" before I could finished they disappeared. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, Man if this is what it feels like when your king than it sucks. I looked down at Rena, but I guess I could put up with it if I could be with her. Now that I mention it what is she doing here? I thought I'd see her when the Chunin Exams started, and they don't start until next week. "Rena."

See looked up at me,"Yeah?"

"What are you doing here a week early?" I asked her.

She scratched the back of her neck,"Well, you see... I kinds finished all the work needed to be done earlier than expected, so I came back just like I said I would." She smiled at me.

I bend down a little and kissed her," Now that your back, we can have a little fun."

She gave me a questioning look and I gave her a wolffish smirk, I waited so long to see her again and I'm never letting her go.

                                                       The End

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