The Shadow Reaper Makes An Entrance

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Rena's POV

"Sasuke, at point D" He said over the ear piece.

"Sakura at point C"

"Naruto at point A"

"Naruto your too slow. What about you Rena?"



"Hey, it's Iruka, why is Rena standing in front of us with a cat?"


I was waiting at the Hokage office for the rest of my team. Gosh why are they so slow. Then out of no where Naruto burst through the doors and pointed at me,"Re-chan why did you leave me alone with teme?"

I put on a questioning face and said," Sorry?" As the rest of team 7 lined up in front of the Hokage to receive the next mission.

"Well, you can babysit, pick up poatatos, or-"

"No way, I wanna better mission." Naruto said as he made an X sign with his arms. I sighed 'I knew this would happen. I hope the Hokage doesn't agree so I won't have to show myself sooner.'

"Silence!" The Hokage said shocking my out of my thoughts.

"Why do you always lecture my like your my grandfather or something. I'm not the brat that use to pull pranks anymore. I'm a ninja now and I want a ninja mission." Naruto said stubbornly. That statement made the Hokage smile while Iruka stared with proudness in his eyes.

"Alright then, I'll give you a C-rank mission. You'll be protecting someone." The Hokage said.

"Oh really? Is it a king or a princess?" Naruto asked.

"Be patient I'll bring in our client now."

We all looked at the door to be faces with a drunktard. 'URG, just great a drunktard just what I needed right now.'

"Huh? I bunch of snort kids. Are sure the short guy with the stupid look is a ninja?" He asked

"Hahahahha, who is it?" Naruto asked.

I tapped him on the shoulders and said," I hate to break it to you, but it's you Naruto."

"I'll demolish you." Naruto said as he ran towards the guy. Before Naruto could touch him Kakashi held him back by the collar and said," We're suppose to protect the client not kill them."

"Anyways, I'm Tazuna, a bridge builder I need to get back to my country. I expect you to protect me with your lives." Tazuna said.

"Alright we meet at the games in half in hour." Kakashi said.

~30 minutes later~
We were waiting at the gates for Naruto.
'Where is he? I wanna get this mission over with I have a bad feeling. I brought my outfit for to appear as the shadow reaper if needed. (The last one on the right but all black. She is right now wearing the outfit on the left for this mission.)' I saw Naruto coming and he had a grin on his face.

"Finally your here Naruto now we can get moving." Kakashi said.

While walking they started an conversation I just tuned out. 'I feel people following us. I wonder who they are. Judging from their chakra I would say their just chunin. I won't need to change just yet.'

"What?" I looked back to see Kakashi wrapped in chains.

"Now, brother." I looked at both of them at they shredded Kakashi. 'No it's not Kakashi just a substitution.' I looked at both of the chunin and recognize them as the Demon Brothers from the bingo book. I took position ready to defend anyone one of them went after Naruto the other after the bridge builder. Damn it Naruto move. In a flash I was in front of Naruto and blocked his attack with a kunai though Naruto still got a little cut. I punched one of the demon's brother face. When I was about to land another hit all a sudden Kakashi was holding them.

"Yo!" He casually said.

"Kakashi-sensei!!!"Naruto and Sakura yelled

"Nice job Rena, Sakura, Sasuke, very smooth. Sorry Naruto I didn't come sooner. If had come sooner then you won't have gotten hurt." He continued.

(Skipping all the Naruto speech and such.)

Kakashi turned to Tazuna and said,"We need to talk."

After talking with Tazuna I though,'Damn it and I thought it was going to be an easy mission. I might have to reveal my identity a little too early than expected. I hope Kakashi can handle this because the next time we fight will mostly be a jonin.'

By the time I was done with my thoughts we had gotten on a boat.

"So Tazuna care to explain." Kakashi asked.

"Well, I'm being hunted by a deadly shadow."

"What deadly shadow ?" Kakashi asked.


Kakashi's eyes widden," you mean Gato one of the richest man alive?"

As they continued their conversation they went into boring details. I just tuned them out again. Until Tazuna used the guilt trip on us and Kakashi agreed to continue to help. We got off the boat and continued walking. As we walked Naruto started throwing shurikens as random locations.

"Over there." Naruto threw a shuriken.

"No over there." He threw another.

"Never mind it was just a mouse." He said.

"Naruto those weapons are dangerous not toys." Kakashi said.

Naruto looked through the bushes to see he almost to hit a white rabbit. As he apologize to the rabbit I thought,'It's not winter so why would there be a white rabbit?'

My thoughts were interrupted by Kakashi yelling," GET DOWN!!" As a huge sword flew over are heads and landed into a tree. Then a man stood on the sword he looked oddly familiar. 'Hmmm, ah now I remember, Zabuza Momochi rogue of the hidden most village, I faced him before once. I practically won. I hope Kakashi can handle him. Just encase I'll make a clone here and get ready to help if needed.' I made a clone and walked away and watched from afar.

"Zabuza Momochi, if I'm going to be fighting you I might need this" Kakashi stated as he put his hand on his headband.

"Kakashi of the Sharigan, sorry but the old man is mine."

(When Kakashi got stuck in water prison)

"I guess it's time to reveal myself."

Third Person POV

"Run, grab the bridge builder and run. He's using all his power to keep me in this Jutsu so just run." Kakashi said.

"I don't think you have to do that." They all looked at the source of the voice.

The person who spoke wore all black, a mask, cold blue eyes that look like their glowing, and a pure black scythe with a chain attach to the body. The person stepped in front of the kids and said," Well, Zabuza we meet again."

Zabuza laughed and smirked then said," Ahh, the famous shadow reaper. I still owe you from our last battle."

Kakashi's eyes widen at the words," Shadow Reaper." He looked at he's team and yelled,"GET OUT OF HERE!!!! GET AS FAR AWAY AS YOU CAN FROM THIS BATTLE IT'S NOT SAFE!!!!!"

"Kakashi, the copy ninja, do not threat I will not harm your students. I am merely here to help you, your team of genin, and settle a score with Zabuza. Three birds one stone." The figure said. In an instant the the figure was about to slash Zabuza's arm that was holding Kakashi off. Before his off could get cut off he pulled his hand away form the Jutsu causing it to fall and free Kakashi.

The figure looked at Kakashi and said," Look after your team protect them this is my battle now."

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