Team 7

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Kakashi's POV

I was pacing around my room thinking about what I just did. I ran my hand through my hair.
'What was I thinking! I can't believe I almost kissed a 13 year old on the lips. Urgg, I'm so stupid. Kakashi, you aren't allowed to do that, but her face was so adorabl- KAKASHI PULL IT TOGETHER!!! What am I thinking.' I looked towards the clock it was 12pm. 'I better get some sleep tomorrow I'm getting a team pf genin I hope Rena is on my team. KAKASHI YOU THOUGHT OF IT AGAIN WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!' I sighed out loud. I better go check on Rena-chan. I walked out the room and saw Rena laying on the couch fast asleep. I carried her bridal style and put her in my bed. I looked at her and gently kissed her forehead. Then went out the door and laid on the couch. I closed my eyes and pictured her sleeping face.

Rena's POV

I woke up on a warm bed. 'Bed? I thought I slept on the couch last night.' I opened my eyes and looked around. 'I'm in Kakashi's room. I wonder if he slept next to me last night as well. I better get up I have to meet my team today.' I walked at of the room and into the living room to see Kakashi asleep on the couch. I walked up to him and smiled at his sleeping form. 'HOLY SHIT!!! WHAT AM I THINKING HIS TWICE MY AGE AND I DOUBT HE LIKES ME!!!! I better just get ready for class.' I walked towards the bathroom to get ready. After bushing my teeth, combing my hair, changing, and eating breakfast, I walked out of the apartment. I walked towards the academy and went intk the classroom. I saw Naruto and smiled at him while he waved at me. I walked over to Naruto and said," I see you passed Naruto. I knew you could do it."

"Thanks Re-chan. Let's sit down." I nodded and sat in between Naruto and emo duckbutt. I laid my head on the desk and dose off but then I was woken up by rumbling and a door banging open. I looked up to see a blond hair girl and a short pink hair girl. The pink haired girl walked up to Naruto and said," Hey! Naruto can you move?"

"Why?" Naruto asked.

"Because I wanna sit next to Sasuke." Without Naruto answering she just pushed him off his seat. I got up my seat walked over to Naruto and asked if he was okay. He replied with a smile and a thumbs up. He then got up and sat in front of Sasuke glaring at him.

"Naruto stop glaring at Sasuke!" Pinky yelled.

"I don't get what so good about this guy he looks emo." Naruto said as they continue to stare at eachother. I sighed loudly and felt someone us. I smirked turned around towards the source and mouth,"Y'know spying is bad right?" Then I walked towards a seat faraway from the whole Naruto seen.

Third Person POV

-In An Unknown Room Full of Jonins and Hokage.-

"Number one student is Sasuke Uchiha." Third Hokage said.

They continued to watch until Rena looked at them smirked and mouth,"Y'know spying is bad right?"

Everyone in the room was shocked and gasped.

"Lord Hokage, who is that girl?" One of the jonins asked.

"That my friend is Rena Ketsu. She came here a few days ago and is a mystery." The Third Hokage said.

They continued to watch in the glob. Until something happened, some kid pushed Naruto on to Sasuke causing them to kiss. The adults in the room tried not to laugh and muffle their laughs. They looked back at the glass ball to see Naruto about to be beaten up by fan girl. Sakura was about to land a hit on Naruto but someone caught her fist. That someone was Rena. The jonins' eyes widden also the Hokage's.

"How did she get there so fast? I didn't even see her move. She wasn't this fast when we found her." Kurenai said.

"It seems Rena-chan had been hidding her talents apparently. Iruka? What was her score on the graduation test?" The hokage asked.

Rena Ketsu :Her Beginning (NarutoWattyAwards 2nd Place 2016!!!!)Where stories live. Discover now