Team Seven Meet The Shadow Reaper

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Rena's POV

I looked at Kakashi and said," Look after your team protect them this is my battle now."

He nodded his head and walked over to his team taking defensive position. I stared at Zabuza and said,"Picking on kids now Zabuza, that's just a new low for you."

"What would you know shadow reaper? All you do is kill criminals of all kinds." He said.

"Well, I wouldn't know I don't pick on children." I told him. I pulled my scythe closer to me and said," Can we get this over with I have things to do."

"Sure you do, shadow reaper." He said.

We both got into our fighting stances and glared at each other. I launched myself at him first taking my scythe and swinging it at him and he struggle to block them. I smirked made a few hand signs and said," Lightning Style: Lighting Wolf Jutsu."

He tried to dodge the wolf but it didn't work so Zabuza cut it in half. He made a few hand signs of his own and said," Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu."

I countered the water dragon with a fire dragon. While our dragons fought it out we were once again at each others throats with our weapons. While we kept fight I tuned into what my team was talking about.

"Wow, Kakashi-sensei who is that?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto,that is the famous ninja in the bingo book known as the shadow reaper. He's a real genius, he's an S-ranked ninja. He kills all those bad criminals or people who have done bad deeds. People think of him as God's right hand man send to get rid of evil from the world." Kakashi answered.

"Is he on our side?" Sakura asked.

"Apparently he is but just to make sure don't get too close to him." Kakashi said.

"Is there any other info on him?" Sasuke asked

"Like I said," He's a genius no one has ever gotten info on him only a picture and how he looks like. Don't even know if it's a girl or a boy. They just all assume it's a guy because of the skills." Kakashi said.

I smirked at Kakashi's statement. I held Zabuza's sword away from my shoulder with my scythe. I jumped back in front of Kakashi, looked back at him, and said," By the way, I'm a girl. Anyways I'm ending this so yeah."

He nodded his head as I made a few hand signs, serpent, rat, dragon,monkey, tiger, dog, I yelled," Ice Style: Twin Drangon Blizzard."

Zabuza ended up hitting a tree. I was about to finish him off when two senbon hit his neck. I looked up to see a tracker ninja. I walked over to Zabuza and check his pulse. ' He's dead.' I looked up at the tracker ninja and nodded my head. He transported down and grabed Zabuza's body. "Thank You shadow reaper, you can rest easy now your troubles are over." The tracker ninja said as he disappeared. I heard Naruto complaining about how the tracker ninja took down Zabuza easily. Kakashi talked to him and Naruto calmed down.

'Man I'm so dead. Should I tell them now?' I thought. I was going to walk away when I felt someone grab my wrist. I looked back to see
Kakashi facing me and said," Shadow Reaper wait!"

I pulled my wrist away, faced him, and said," What do you want?"

"Who are you?" He asked me.

I smiled through my mask and said," You already know me."

He looked shock for a minute and said," I do?"

I smirked and said," You know me as the shadow reaper."

"I wanna know who you really are not some tittle." He said.

"I can't tell you who I am or where I came from. I tend to wanna keep my identity a secret. But you do know me you just don't see it yet." I replied.

"Why did you help us?" Kakashi asked.

I smiled and said," I was just walking around and I saw you stuck in a water prison jutsu telling your students to run cause you wanted to keep them safe even the cost of your life. We will meet again, you have yet to see who I am just remember I'll be there when the worst comes to worst. I'll help you guys out, for you have some part in helping me achieve my dream. Farewell for now till we meet again my friends. Oh and if you ever need me or just wanna talk here's a whistle." I tossed a pure black whistle to Kakashi then I walked into the forest as I blended into the shadows of the trees disappearing without a trace.

Third Person POV

As Rena disappeared into the shadows the clone of Rena stayed with the group as they talked.

"Kakashi-sensei what does she mean when she said," But we do know her we just don't see it yet?" Sakura asked.

"I don't know Sakura, but she said she'll help us out if we're in danger." Kakashi said.

'I wonder what she meant when she said we would help her with her dream. What is her dream?' Kakashi thought.

"Alright team let's get Tazuna back to his house." Kakashi said.

"Sorry for all the trouble you can rest in my house for awhile." Tazuna said as he led us to his house.

What team 7 not notice was that the shadow clone Rena disappeared and the real Rena came back from changing out of her shadow reaper costume.

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