A/N 8/18/15

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Hey guys!!!! It's me, Rin Hatake. So school starts tomorrow and I want to say. I'll probably be busy or not. So I want your opinion I have been making 2 new books but haven't been posting them. So do you want me to post them during this school year or do you want to wait until school ends next summer?

The first book is call Runaway Princess.

Then second book is called Stuck In Naruto.

Runaway Princess is about Akira Kazuki who is the Princess of The Fire Land. When she was 10 she ran away from her home because she found out that she would marry a Prince at the age of 16. During her five years of travel she met many people, good and evil, that helped her train to be a ninja. She fights like a demon yet is as graceful as a angel gaining her the tittle in the bingo book as 'The Demon Angel.' With her parents looking for her she changes her name from Akira Kazuki to Akira Yuzuka. One day she gets lots in the forest to be confronted by two leaf ninjas. She is brought before the Hokage,who doesn't know she's a princess, and enrolls into the academy. Later she is put in team 7 and meets her old friends in her journey with her new team. With her parents looking for her she has mixed feelings weather to leave or stay were she is happy.

Stuck In Naruto is about Rin Kazumi who is like every other thirteen year old with problems. Rin use to be a happy, cheerful, sociable, carefree, and energetic person, but is changed when she moves to middle school and loses her best friend. She than, instead of turning to make new friend to fill the hole in her heart, turns to books and school instead. She closes herself off from the world and her books as her barriers. She makes herself depress, sad, shy, anti social, serious, and lonely. With her 2 only friends best friends with each other she feels left out. She pretends to be 'herself' around those two but left alone she is broken. She lockers herself in her room and never sleeps or hardly eats making her have insomnia. Her friends don't know she's suffering and hopes they never find out. Her family hardly sees her around anymore and hardly even care. Her parents busy with work just to pay bills and put food on the table don't notice. Her siblings don't care. Her cousin and sister bully her for her weight causing her to not trust anyone except for her best friend. She's relies on herself more than anyone else. She hates asking for help and receiving any. She says," Sleeping and eating are a waste of time. Asking for help is a sign of weakness." One night she makes a wish on a shooting star to go to Naruto world where she would be free just for a bit.

I just thought of something I could also just post one of them and postpone the other book until summer break. Oh, don't worry about Rena Ketsu's story I will finish it as well. I made this books while I had a writers block for this book. It'll probably be done by next year. I will apologize in advance I don't update this book in a long time.

~Rin Hatake

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