Kakashi's Regret, Rena's Sadness, and Diasuke's Plan

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Rena's POV

I sighed as I got off the king sized bed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I have red puffy eyes and my nose is pinky. Why did he have to say no? I love him. Is it because I'm not pretty or old enough? No it's because he doesn't care for me anymore. I feel like I'm drowning.

I got out of my night gown and put on a white dress. I went into the bathroom and cleaned my self up. I also placed some make up on so I doesn't look like I cried. I went to the dinning room to see my friends, senseis, and my fiancé there. I smiled at Diasuke and sat next to him. He took my hand and kissed it,"You look beautiful."

I smiled at him again and said,"Thank you."

Sakura looked at me and asked,"When's the wedding?"

"It's in three days, on Saturday afternoon." Daisuke answered.

"Congrats, Rena." Naruto said.

"Thanks." But I really wanted to marry Kakashi...

After breakfast I went to the royal garden and just sat there. "Mom, what did you ever do? I mean when you found out dad was a prince? I can't take it anymore! He doesn't love me yet I love him!" I sobbed.

"Rena..." I looked behind me to see Kurenai.

She opened her opened her arms and I ran to her. She hugged me," What's wrong?"

"He doesn't love me! He doesn't want to marry me! He only thought of my as his student and than a client nothing more nothing less!" I sobbed.

"Kakashi?" She asked me. I nodded my head.

She sighed,"If he doesn't love you or want to marry you he's missing out on what a wonderful person you are. If you love him let him go."

"But it hurts so much! It feels like I'm drowning! I can let him go but it feels like I'm dieing!!"

She stroke my hair,"Your going to be okay Rena. Your going to get married in 3 days and Diasuke will make you happy because he'll love you. You'll see, you'll be happy again."

"But I don't want to marry Daisuke I wanted to marry him! He told me he doesn't care! Does he not care for me anymore because I'm not his student?!?!! Did I do something wrong?!? Why does love hurt?!?!!! First my mother dies  because she protected me, than my little sister died because as me as well, my brother, than I killed my father, and now the person I love doesn't care for me!!!!" I cried out.

"You still have your friends to love you. You still have us at the Leaf Village. It may hurt now Rena but later it won't later you'll feel better and be glad you let go. Once you let go you'll have a better life with the person your meant to be with. For now just let it out I'm here for you." She hugged my tighter as I cried in her chest. What they didn't know was someone there listening to them.

Kakashi's POV 

I stood out the door of the royal garden and sighed. She really loves me, yet I told her that I didn't care. That I only cares for her as a client. She's crying in there because of me. I did that to her. I hurt her so much she feels like she's drowning.

I walked down the hallway and knocked on a familiar person's door. "Just one second." A second later the door opened to reveal Asuma.

"Can I come in I need to talk to you." He nodded his head and motioned me to come in.

He sat on the bed and I sat on a chair,"So what's up Kakashi?"

"Well, I regret telling her I didn't care for her. I regret how I told her I didn't love her. I thought I was protecting her yet I hurt her."

He sighed," I'm guessing we're talking about Rena here." I nodded my head.

"Kakashi, you wanted to protect her, yes, but from what?" He asked me.

"I wanted to protect her from me. Asuma everyone I loved died. I-I just didn't want her to die. I told her I only cared about her because she was my student and than now she's just a client." I dug my head into my hands.

"I thought I was protecting her but seeing her in the garden made me figure out my mistake that I hurt her instead of protected her. Now she's going to get married to a person she doesn't even like."

He blew out smoke," Kakashi, you've let her go and now she's marrying another person. I know you don't want her to die but if you love her and don't want her hurt why did you let her go. Why let her go to another man. She's not going to move on from this y'know. She may look like she moved on and act like she did but mentally she'll never let go."

"How can you tell?" I asked him.

"Simply, I can tell by the look in her eyes or eye. I can tell from her eyes she truly loves you, yet your so blinded by your protectiveness that you let her go. Now she's gone to another man, yes. The man may have her hand in marriage, but Kakashi you will always have her heart, just remember that. You let her go to protect her right." I nodded my head.

"If you can't be the person she loves anymore than be the person she can count on. You may not be by her side in her life but you can at least be there for her, right?"

I smiled under my mask,"I guess your right Asuma."

I frowned,"But, I don't want to be the one who supports her anymore. I want to be with her, but I let her go. I regret it."

"You'll just have to wait, Kakashi. You'll have to wait until the man breaks her heart. Than you'll be there to pick them up for her." He answered.

"Thanks Asuma." I mumbled as I got out of my chair.

"Yeah, yeah, now get out of my room."

"Alright bye." I got out of the room and into my room. I sat on my bed, I'm sorry Rena, but from now on I'll show you I love you and I'll support you. So if he hurts you I'll be there to pick the pieces back up. I promise, Rena.

Daisuke's POV

I laughed, I can't wait to destroy you Rena Ketsu.

"Prince Daisuke, when do we start the plan?" A guard ask me.

"You'll start the plan at the day of the wedding. You'll capture Princess Rena Ketsu and kill her. Than I'll be king of this country and rule it." I ordered.

"What of the Leaf Ninjas?" He asked me.

"When you dispose of the princess make sure to kill the leaf ninja with her. On but make the Copy Cat watch as we kill his little love in front of him." I ordered

"Yes, sir."

Perfect the plan is in place and they'll never know what'll hit them. Especially Rena, and it's all thanks to the copy cat Kakashi Hatake.

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