The Death Of Rena?!?!?!?

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Kakashi's POV

After Rena finished healing me I saw he sway a little bit. The next thing I know she's falling but before she could fall I caught her. I looked at her and said," Rena! Oi! Rena!"

Her eyes crack up a bit and she whispers,"Ka-kashi."

I look at her wound from the sword.

Damn it! It's really deep and it just missed a vital spot. We have to get her to a hospital if she's going to have a chance to make it.

I look back to the others and say,"Guys! I'm going ahead to get Rena to the hospital! The sword just barely miss a vital spot!"

"Alright Kakashi we'll meet you at Konoha." Asuma said. I nodded at him and carried Rena bridle style. I leap into the trees and begin to head towards Konoha. I looked down at Reba and said,"You better not die on me. I can't loose you too."

She coughed up some more blood and I went ran faster towards Konoha. Once I got their I ignore Kotesu and Izumo than ran towards then hospital. Once I burst through the doors I yelled," HELP!"

The nurse came running and said," OH MY DEAR!"

She ran and rolled a stretcher next me and told me to lay her down. I laid her down the stretcher and watched as the nurse rolled her away towards the ER rooms. I sighed out loud and sat near the waiting room.

After a few minutes a nurse came out and looked at me. "Are you a family member?" She asked.

I shook my head and said," I'm her teacher."

She nodded her head and asked," Does she have any family?"

I shook my head and asked,"Why?"

The nurse sighed and said," She's going to need surgery and she'll only have a 50% of surviving the surgery. The wound is very deep it seems to have made a dent on her lung. I'm very sorry."

The nurse than walks away and I drop down on the chair.

She only has a fifty percent chance of surviving? She might not make it. I failed again! I failed to keep her safe! I failed as her teacher! I failed like I failed Obito, Rin, and Minto-sensei!


I looked over to see Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke walking over.

"How's Re-chan?" Naruto ask as her grins.

I frown under my mask and said,"She has a punctured lung and her wound in her stomach is too deep. She's going into surgery right now, but she only has a 50% of surviving the surgery."

Naruto's grin immediately turns into a frown and he asked," What?!"

Sasuke frowns and glares at the floor. Sakura drops to the floor on her knees with a few tears running down her face. "Rena........ It's all our fault she gave up because we got caught. She didn't want us to get hurt so she gave up." Towards the end Sakura's voice cracked as she cried more.

I put a hand on Sakura and say,"It's not you guys fault if it's anyone's fault it's mine. I'm suppose to protect you guys but in the end I didn't. Now Rena might die because I couldn't do my job properly."

Naruto looks at me and said,"Don't worry Kakashi-sensei, Re-chan is tough she'll make it through it. She told me herself that no matter what happens she'll always protect the pure souls. She said that we have pure souls in our team and village. She said that no matter what she's protect the village. So that's why she'll come back. To fulfill a promise she made she'll come back."

Your right Naruto, Rena doesn't just give up she did say that she wanted to fulfill her promise at all cost, but her life is more important then her promise. Rena will always be there to protect pure souls she'll come back to protect them. She is quite stubborn. Then there's her eyes. How did she get the sharigan? Her father isn't a Uchiha. Who's her mother?

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