Kakashi's Decision Pass Or Fail

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Rena's POV

I woke up on the tree branch I slept on last night. I sighed out loud,'What am I going to do? Damn it, how can I fulfill my promise if I'm stuck here? I'll fulfill my promise..... The promise to get rid of all the evil souls and to protect the pure souls from harm. My team have 3 pure souls and 1 evil soul. I guess that mean even if I had to expose my identity as the shadow reaper I'll have to protect them.. I'll only appear when need too. I doubt I have to considering that we're only going to do D-ranked missions for awhile.' I thought. I walked towards the training grounds not even bothering with breakfast. I already saw Naruto, Emo-Duckbutt, and Pinky. I don't even bother names for the other two. When they saw me we greeted with our good mornings and stayed silent. I just walked up the tree and sat there as I heard Naruto and Sakura complain. I guess it's polite to actually say their names. I guess I should start.

~5 hour later 10:00 am~

I heard a poof and there was Kakashi. 'Finally, I was wondering if I should have dragged him out of the house or not.' I jumped out of my tree and walked towards the group.

"Ahh, I see you decided to join us Rena-chan." Kakashi said.

"Yeah, yeah, so what's the test anyways?" I asked.

He pulled out of his pocket a small clock and said," This clock will alarm when it's 12 pm. During this time you'll be trying to get these bells from me. You must come to me with the intent to kill me. You can use weapons even."

"But sensei isn't that dangerous?"

'Pfft, he's the copy cat ninja for a reason.'

"Yeah, Sakura's right what if you get hurt. I mean you couldn't even dodge an eraser." Naruto commented.

'He was just too lazy I bet. They have no ideas who there messing with do they?'

"Class clowns tend to be the weakest link in the class."

With anger Naruto rushed towards Kakashi with a kunai in his hand. Before Naruto could hit him Kakashi took a hold of his arm and pointed his own kunai to his head.

'Hmph, he is fast but not as fast as me.'

"I didn't even say start yet. It seems your getting the hang of this exercise. It seems your finally able to knowledge me. How should I say this...........I'm actually starting to like you four." Kakashi said.

'So, you didn't like me before? Wow, that's just nice.'

"Alright, get ready, set, GO!"

I ran to the woods and hid behind a tree. I made three shadow clones. My clones would ask them for help and if they decline then they would help them if in need then just disappear. While my clones do that I'm going to go take a nap.

~ 1 hour later ~

I felt Kakashi's presence behind me. I turned around to face him," Hey, Kakashi."

"It's Kakashi-sensei. Aren't you going to try and get the bells?"

"Why should I? I mean even if I got the bells I won't pass. I had this test before, it's about teamwork. " I felt the last of my shadow clone disappear before I continued," Well, apparently they are all stupid. They just ignore me, tell me I'm below them, and that they need to prove them self. How stupid are they?" I asked him.

"Apparently really dumb by your count. I'm glad you found out this test." He said as he poof away. I sighed out loud. 'I wonder would they think differently of me if they found out who I really was.' I heard the alarm ring and I walked into the clearing to see Naruto tied up and Sasuke and Sakura sitting on either side of him. I walked over to Sakura and sat beside her.

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