Chapter Nineteen: Counting Change, Something Umiko Cannot Grasp. Also Cake.

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  "SO you have a thing for Umiko, but you aren't sure if it's like a... marriage thing or..." Saitama asked one day as he walked beside Genos, the sun shining and the birds chirping. It was later in the week, a few days after Umiko's siblings' visited.
     "Essentially, yes. I do believe that I am 'crushing' on Umiko, but I am not totally certain." Sighed the cyborg, uncertain of what he was really talking about.

    "Why's that?" Saitama inquired.

    "I have kissed her on several occasions, and found myself enjoying it. But what if I just enjoy kissing her because it's a kiss or if it's because it's Umiko's kiss." Genos added as they turned a corner, nearing a grocery store.

      Saitama was a little confused, but shrugged it off. "You probably like her, but I ain't one to judge about this kind of thing."

     "Master, have you... ever fell in love with a girl before?" Genos inquired.

     "Not really. But it's whatever. So what makes you think you like her so much?" Saitama asked Genos as they entered the grocery store.

    "I'm not sure. But every time I think about her, I find myself wanting to kiss her, and more, surprisingly." Genos reported.

    Saitama was seriously confused. But to be honest, he didn't care. He couldn't wrap his head around teenage romance and all that. "Uh-huh. Okay then! Here's your half of the list, and uh, try to get the cheap stuff." Saitama said, reaching into his pocket to pull out a list, handing it to Genos. "See ya." Saitama waved Genos off, turning to the right, leaving the cyborg by himself.

    Genos was quick with his shopping, making haste. "Master will appreciate the efficiency." Genos muttered to himself as he rushed twords the checkout.

    As Genos neared the checkout, he saw a poof of familiar, copper colored red hair. Umiko. She was checking out a six pack of Dr.pepper, and was struggling to count out change. "Crud- wait- uh- four... six... dangit!" Umiko griped. "Friggin' pumpernickel!" She grumbled.

     "Umiko?" Genos inquired, standing by her.

     "Eep! Oh! Hi Genos! What's up?" Umiko jumped. "I'm fine. Are you struggling to count change?" He asked.

     "I- uh..."

     "I'm going to assume yes. Here, I will count change." Genos took the money from her hand, much to the objection of Umiko.

     "How much is it?" Genos asked the cashier.

     "Four-sixteen." Replied the cashier.

     Genos quickly counted change, handing the money to the cashier. "Here is the adequate amount that is required."

     "Wait for me." Genos said to her, shooing her off.

     He placed his groceries on the counter, paying quickly, and meeting Umiko at the front of the store.

     "We are waiting for master." Genos stated, standing next to Umiko.

     "Okay then!" Umiko smiled, holding her thumbs up.

     After about thirty or so minutes, Saitama left the store. "Ready to go? Oh- hey Umiko. Didn't see you down there." Saitama joked.

     "Oh! But I'm not that short. I'm only like, five three. But if it makes you feel better, I can jump around. So that was you can see me better, okay?" Umiko cheerily replied.

     Saitama blinked.

     "Is she- is she stupid?" Saitama whispered to Genos, all while Umiko was blissfully unaware, rocking back and forth.

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