Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Sage's pov

I was in my dressing room. I had a keyboard in there luckily. I was trying to write a new song. I played some notes and hummed it. Then I wrote it down. Then I tried another thing, but failed. I groaned and ripped out the paper. I crumbled it up and threw it behind me. Then someone knocked on the door. I groaned. Give me a break people! "Come in." I said. Then the door opened. I turned around and saw August and Ava there. "Guys I'm busy." I said. They ran over to me and each pulled on one of my arms. "You have to help us Sage!" Ava said. "What happened?" I asked. "We were playing in the hallway and Lizzy yelled at us. She's really mean! Then she made fun of us!" August said. "Where is this "Lizzy"?" I asked disgusted. They both led me to a hallway. There was a blonde girl standing there.

"Oh so you're the girl who made fun of my friends." I said. She rolled her eyes. Ava and August hid behind me. "Careful Sage! She's mean!" Ava said. "Don't worry about me." I said. "Well your friends were in my way and interrupting me." she said. I rolled my eyes. "It was an innocent game." I said. "Well whatever. You're just jealous cause I have a better show than you." she said. I laughed, "Sure whatever." I scoffed. "Now just leave them alone. If you're going to make fun of them, you have to get through me." I warned. She glared at me. "August, Ava. Get out of here." I said. "But Sage..." August started. "Now." I said. They both ran away.

Lizzy walked up to me. "Look stay away from them or else." I warned. "There losers." she said. "They are not!" I said. She tried to punch me, but I grabbed her fist. Then I kicked her in the shin. She clutched her shin and growled at me. "What are you a dog?" I asked. She kneed me in the stomach. I fell to my knees. "I'm not scared of you. Tell no one." she said. She left back to her dressing room. I stood up slowly still holding my stomach. "Scumbag." I muttered. I went back to my dressing room only to find Ava and Auggie there. "What happened?" August asked. "Are you ok?" Ava asked. "I'm fine. She just kneed me in the stomach which knocked the wind out of me." I said. I sat back at my chair by my keyboard.

"We're sorry Sage. We didn't mean to cause this pain on you!" August said. I hugged them both. After we let go I smiled. "It's fine. Now go play, except in that hallway." I said. They laughed and left. I continued writing my song. Then there was another knock. I groaned. "Come in!" I said with annoyance. It was Ben. "Yeah?" I asked. "Sabrina wants you." he said. I thanked him and he left. I put my book under a pillow and walked to Sabrina's dressing room. I knocked and she told me to come in.

"What?" I asked. "Hey Shannon's picking up dinner. What do you want?" she asked. "Pizza." I said. She laughed, "Ok. I'll tell her." she said. I was about to leave, "Wait!" she said. I turned back around. "Ya know, we could skip dinner..." she started. "Skip dinner!? Are you insane!?" I asked. She laughed, "No. I mean we could go hangout and go shopping." she said. "Will there be pizza?" I asked. She laughed, "You know it." she said. "Just the two of us? No boyfriend, no sisters." I said. "Yep." she said. "I'm in!" I said. I ran back to my room, grabbed my bag and put my book in my bag. Then we went out.

After Hanging Out With Sabrina

"That was so much fun!" I said as we walked into the house. She laughed, "Yeah. I missed hanging out with you." she said. I gave her a side hug. "Me too." I said. She went into the living room with Sarah and Shannon and their boyfriends. Then she called Bradley and invited him over. I went upstairs. I continued to write my song. It was starting to frustrate me. This is so hard! "How does Ally do this?" I mumbled to myself. I continued writing, then the clock hit 10 pm. I continued writing even though I was so tired. Soon darkness took over me.

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