Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sage's pov

I went to the one place that I can clear my head. The beach. I know last time I was here I nearly got kidnapped, but it was still my favorite place to be. I walked the shore line for a long time. It's what I usually do. I can't believe my sisters. That was just mean. I kept walking down the shore line until I saw Rowan and Corey and they saw me. Crap.

Rowan's pov

Corey and I were hanging out at the beach, then we saw Sage. "Sage what are you doing here?" I asked as we walked over to her. "I-I ran away from my sisters." she answered. "What why?" Corey asked. Then she explained what happened. "Aw Sage. I'm sorry." I said. She shrugged and played with the sand. "But you shouldn't have ran away. It's not the answer. I'm going to call Sabrina and tell her to come pick you up." Corey said. Sage's eyes widened and she faced Corey. "He's not trying to be mean Sage. He just want to let Sabrina know that you're safe. Also it's for the best." I explained. "Yeah I guess you're right." she said. We smiled then left to call Sabrina.

Sage's pov

Wrong! I'm not seeing them! I'm getting the heck out of here. After they called her we talked for a while. "I'm going to go use the bathroom." I said. They nodded and I went in that direction. Then once they were out of site, I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Soon I ended up back in the studio. I went to my dressing room and laid down on the couch then fell asleep.

Sabrina's pov

Rowan and Corey found Sage! We went to the beach and found them. "Where is she?" I asked. "Sabrina we're really sorry. She said she was going to the bathroom. I went to check but she wasn't there." Rowan said. My heart dropped. "We're really sorry guys!" Corey said. "It's not your faults." Shannon said. "Yeah." Sarah said. I nodded my head in agreement. "Now where is she?" I asked. Everyone started thinking. "Wait. You guys left the set! So she would go back there because she knows you won't be there!" Corey said. We nodded our heads. "Great idea! But by the time we get there, they won't let us in." I said. Everyone frowned. "Wait! Isn't Bradley still there?" Sarah asked. I nodded and called him.

Bradley's pov

I got a call from Sabrina when I was about to leave.

Me: Hello?

Sab: Hi Bradley!

Me: Hey beautiful.

I heard her giggle. I love her giggles.

Sab: Ok well I think Sage went back to her dressing room. Could you check for me?

Me: Yeah of course!

I went to her dressing room and opened the door. I saw her sleeping.

Me: She's here. I'll bring her to your house.

Sab: Ok thank you so much!

Me: No problem. See you then.

Sab: Ok! Love you!

Me: Love you too!

I hung up and walked over to her. "Sagie wake up." I said shaking her. She opened her eyes and saw me. "What?" she asked. "Why are you here?" I asked. She explained what happened. "Oh I'm sorry Sage. But I know that you know they didn't mean it like you think." I said. She nodded. I picked her up and took her home.

Sage's pov

Bradley just dropped me off and now my sisters are going to talk to me. "Sage. We didn't mean it like you think." Sabrina said. "Ok then, explain." I said. "So before mom died, you never took singing or acting seriously. So we thought that you didn't like it." Shannon said. "Yeah. We never said anything like how Lizzy put it." Sarah said. "I do take it seriously!" I fought back. "You're always so distracted! Why?" Sabrina asked. "Because I'm always writing songs. Because even though I don't say it, I do want to be like you guys! I don't want to be exactly like you guys though. I want to be a really good singer, I don't want to be scared or shy, I want to be beautiful like you guys! Why can't I be those things?" I asked them. "Sage you are those thing! You're an amazing singer!" Sarah said. "Yeah and sure you sometimes have stage fright, but you'll get over that. And you stand out from others!" Shannon said. "And Sage you are so beautiful! You have amazing long, light, brown hair, beautiful sparkling blue eyes, and beautiful skin! You are so pretty!" Sabrina said. "Thanks guys. I'm lucky to have you as sisters. And I'm sorry for running off." I said. "Apology accepted." they said.

"Now why didn't you tell us about Lizzy?" Sarah asked. "Eh, it just kind of happened like a week ago. She was making fun of Ava and August, so I stood up for them Then she started being mean to me, and I didn't really care till today. But it won't be happening soon. Her shows ending." I said while smiling. "Well next time tell us." Sabrina said. I nodded. "Well I'm going to bed. I'm actually tired for once. And I know you guys want to hear my songs. Maybe someday." I said. They laughed and I went to bed.

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