Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Sage's pov

It's been a week and I haven't remembered much. I only remember Peyton and a few small things. I don't remember my sisters! This sucks. I was walking the beach alone. Peyton went to go get ice cream because we were hungry. He said he'd meet me back here. I read my book and listened to my songs before I came here. Nothing! Ugh this is so frustrating!

I was walking the beach when I heard someone behind me. "So you lost me eh?" it said. I turned around and saw me. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm your memory!" it said. "Where were you!? I've been so lost! I only remember Peyton!" I said. "Well when Lizzy attacked us I ran." it said. "Lizzy!? Who's Lizzy?" I asked. "She's our bully." it said. I nodded, 'Well get back here so I can finally remember!' I said. "You've got to catch me!" it said and ran. "Get back here!" I said and chased after it.

We ended up in a beautiful place right where the sun would set. It was a perfect angle. "Whoa." I admired. "When we were here Sarah and Sabrina tried to pick you up to get a perfect shot..." it started. "And they dropped me and I fell in the ocean!" I said. It nodded and kept running. I chased after it. Next we ended up in a more lonely place. "Here you ran away from their boyfriends and..." it started. "Someone tried to kidnap me, but even though their boyfriends caused this they fixed it. They saved me from that guy and made it up to me. Soon they took me back out and it was an amazing night!" I said. It nodded and ran again. "Here you and Sabrina were on a little sisters day..." it started. "And we were talking about work. And that was the first time I admitted to her that I wanted to be like her, but not fully like her." I finished. "We've always had this special l bond that no one would understand." I said. It nodded and ran again. "Here Shannon..." it started. "Took me out for ice cream. She always babies me and I love it. I'll I have to do is send the puppy eyes and it works. It annoys Sarah and Sabrina. Shannon always looks out for me. All of them do, but Shannon does it the most." I said. It nodded and we ran again. "Here Sarah..." it started. "Took me out after the thunderstorm. I always go to Sarah when there's a thunderstorm. I trust her the most to protect me during those. After each one we go to the beach and look at the waves. It's so much fun." I said. It nodded and ran. I chased. Soon we ended back where I started. "There's no memories here though." I said. "There's about to be." it said. Then it walked into me. I remember everything!

Peyton came back with the ice cream. "Here you go." he said. "Peyton! I remember everything! Every little thing! From the time when Rowan spilled ketchup on her pants to when I was almost kidnapped! I remember!" I said. He picked me up and spun me around. "That's amazing Sage!" he said. Then we went home to tell the others. When we told them everyone was so happy. "Sage this is amazing!" my sisters said. We hugged. It was an amazing day.

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