Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Sage's pov

I was in my dressing room singing. It was a song I wrote and completed.

And if I go far

It's 'cause you're faith has made me bolder

And if I touch the stars

It's 'cause I'm standing on your shoulders

I know, I know

I can bring to life my dreams

I know, I know

Another thing I can achieve

Cause you, you

Cause you, yeah you

Cause you, you believe

You believe

After I finished singing I heard clapping. I turned around and saw Peyton standing there. My face went red in embarrassment. "Don't be embarrassed." he said. He walked over to me and sat down by me. "It was beautiful Sage." he said. "Thanks." I said. "But it doesn't compare anything to Sabrina." I said. I gave me a half hug. "You're not Sabrina. You're Sage. You're you." he said. He kissed the top of my head. "Who was the song about?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "No one." I said. He gave me a look and I looked down. "Ok so maybe it was about you." I said. My face turned red. "Yay!" he cheered. I laughed and looked up. "I loved it Sage." he said. "Thanks." I said. He smiled then left. "Well that was embarrassing." I mumbled.

Peyton's pov

Sage sang an amazing song! Luckily I recorded it! I'm going to show her sisters.I walked to the set and saw the cast, other than Sage and August, and Sabrina's sisters. "You guys have to see this!" I said. Everyone gathered around my phone. "If this is the sneezing panda bear, then no." Corey said. "It's not. And how dare you!" I said. Everyone laughed and I played the video of Sage singing. "Oh my gosh she's so cute!" Danielle said when she heard her. We kept watching the video until it ended. "She was amazing!" Shannon said. We all nodded. "She has a great future ahead of her. Watch out Sabrina!" Ben said. We all laughed.

Sage's pov

So my sister's boyfriends are taking me out for dinner. This is going to be awkward. They're taking me to a pizza place, then to the Santa Monica Pier. I put on jean shorts with a bow shirt. Than I put a bow in my hair and my converse on. I brought a jacket just incase it got cold, then I went downstairs. "You ready?" Bradley asked me. I nodded and they stood up. Then we left to the pizza place! Yay pizza!!!

Pizza Place

"So Sage, how's your show coming along?" Pires asked me. "Good. We're wrapping up season 2 soon." I responded. They nodded. This is so awkward. "What's your favorite thing about dance?" Peyton asked me. "I like my solos. And whenever I'm on stage, I just feel like the world stops and I can just be free." I said. They nodded impressively. "What about singing?" Bradley asked. I shrugged, "I like singing. But I compare nothing to Sabrina." I said. "Well Sabrina's someone else." Bradley said. I shrugged and drank my lemonade. We at there in silence for awhile listening to the other people sing. It was a pizza place/karaoke place. "Hey why don't you go sing?" Peyton asked me. I shook my head, "No way." I said. Pires picked me up and brought me over.

"What song?" the DJ asked. Pires looked at me. "I'm not singing." I said. "Um...Red by Taylor Swift." Pires said. The DJ put that on and Pires pushed me onto stage. "Alright we've got Ms. Sage with Red by Taylor Swift." the DJ said. I saw everyone looking at me. I got a little nervous and next thing you know my little legs are running off stage and away from Pires, Peyton, and Bradley. I kept running until I got to the beach. I took off my shoes and socks and walked the beach. I put my coat on and walk the shore line. I remember when Shannon, Sarah, Sabrina, and I would walk the shore line together. Then they grew apart from me and Peyton grew closer to me. So now Peyton and I walk the shore line together. I hate their boyfriends. Such jerks, making me go up there and sing. Boy when I get home I'm writing in my journal.

"There she is!" a voice yelled. That was not someone I knew! I ran as fast as I could. I could hear the person behind me. I turned and saw that a random person was chasing me! I kept running, and running, and running. They were getting closer and closer and closer. I ran until I felt someone pick me up. "GET OFF ME!!" I screamed. I kicked and punched. They wouldn't let go. "It's ok Sage! You'll be with me now." they said. I cried and screamed, "HELP!!! SOMEONE HELP!!!" I still fought back.

Then they were walking into the water. "HELP!!!" I screamed. The someone tackled us and we fell into the water. I was on the bottom though. The man stood up and I shot up and got oxygen. I coughed up the water in my mouth. I was gasping for breath. "Let her go!" someone said. It sounded like Bradley! The random man grabbed my arm and yanked me up. He was backing into the ocean. I flipped my hair up and saw Bradley, Peyton, and Pires. "HELP!" I screamed. Pires ran toward the man and tackled him. I fell to the ocean like he did. Bradley picked me up and carried me to the sand. I was shaking and crying. He took off my wet jacket and put his dry one on me. The he hugged me as I cried. "It's ok." he said soothingly. He was also wet from running into the ocean and grabbing me.

Soon Pires and Peyton came over. "He ran away." Peyton said. They both looked at me crying. "Let's go home." Pires said. They nodded. Bradley picked me up and we left.


Bradley's pov

When we got home Sabrina answered the door. Sage automatically hugged her and wouldn't let go. Sabrina picked her up and rubbed her back as she cried into her shoulder. "It's ok. It's ok." she said soothing her down. "What happened?" she mouthed to us. "Well..." Pires started. "You see..." Peyton said. "Guys just tell her! Like this!" I said. "What happened was..." I started. Sabrina gave me the go on look. "Never mind!" I said. "Wait to go!" Pires said. "I say you tell her! She's your girlfriend!" Peyton said. "And I would like to keep it that way!" I said. "Well we're not going to tell her that her sister almost got kidnapped!" Pires said. "What?!" Sabrina yelled. We backed away, Sabrina looked mad. Sage just kept crying. We explained our interesting evening to Sabrina while Sage just cried into Sabrina's shoulder,

"Aw Sage!" Sabrina said. We all looked down. "We're sorry. It's our fault!" Peyton said. "Yeah we shouldn't have pressured her into singing." Pires said. I nodded, "Yeah." I said. "Guys it's not your faults. You saved her. Honestly I would have brought her up on stage as well." Sabrina said. We laughed. Sage just cried. "Sabrina can I see her?" I asked. " I would let you, but she's glued onto me now." she said. "Well Sage we just wanted to say that we didn't mean for this to happen and we're really sorry!" I said. "It's-ok. It wasn't-your guys-fault." she said while crying. "Well maybe another time we could go and just hang out." Pires said. She nodded. "Well we'll go home and see you guys tomorrow." Peyton said. "Wait! Two things. First I need help putting her to sleep after this and second Shannon and Sarah wanted to see you guys." Sabrina said. We nodded and closed the door.

We went to the living room and saw them. Then they saw Sage and we explained what happened. "Aw Sagie!" Sarah said. "Wow. That guys a jerk!" Shannon said. We nodded. Sabrina went upstairs to try to put Sage to bed. I went upstairs 5 minutes later. "Sage please got to sleep." Sabrina said. I stood at the door frame and watched. "No I'm too scared." she said. "What if I sing to you?" she asked. "Sing Safe and Sound." she said. "Ok fine." she said.

"I remember tears streaming down your face

When I said, I'll never let you go

When all those shadows almost killed your light

I remember you said, Don't leave me here alone

But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight

Just close your eyes

The sun is going down

You'll be alright

No one can hurt you now

Come morning light

You and I'll be safe and sound"

Sabrina sang. Sage was finally sleeping. Sabrina smiled and tucked the blanket over her. She kissed her forehead and stood up. She turned and saw me. She ushered me out and quietly close the door. "That was gorgeous and adorable." I said. She smiled, "Thanks." she said. She kissed me then we went downstairs to enjoy the rest of the night.

A/N: And there's another chapter! I was going to update tomorrow, but hey. So next chapter will get a shoutout if you guess who Sage sang the song about! Thanks for reading! Please vote!! :)

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