Chapter 41 - Come To Me

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Avadis was perched high in the mast of the ship, hidden from the orcs below. She did not want to be the centre of attention just yet, especially since there was an entire ghost army at their disposal. She ran her fingers over the arrow that was loaded into her bow and waited with anticipation, her heart beating faster with adrenaline after each passing moment. 

To start off their battle well, they were conveniently met with a band of orc at the docks, who were not at all pleased to see them. "Late as usual! Get off your ships you sea rats! There's knife work here needs doing."

She smirked, and watched as Aragorn lept from the ship and onto the dock, running wildly towards them with a cry. "Plenty for the both of us! May the best dwarf win" Gimli followed behind him with Legolas along side. Behind them, the air turned to green as the ghostly mass of hundreds of men flew out from underneath her, overtaking Aragorn and knocking down the orc crowd with a singlular blow. They barely had the time to scream. 

"If only Treebeard could see me now..." she whispered to herself, casting her mind back to her old friend as she lept from behind the sails and out into the sunlight, her silhouette passing swiftly over her friends who ran onwards underneath her. Infront of her, the battle was in full swing, a mess of Gondorian and Rohirrum soldiers fought with vigor against the numerous waves of orc that charged from the black gates. Her wings lifted her high above them, gliding around as she surveryed the land below her. She fired down a few of her arrows, several of the Rohan men raising a cheer with their swords high when they spotted her, making her smile. Her eyes frantically scanned for their king, but he was nowhere to be seen. Nor was Merry. 

But there was no time to worry, because soon a wave of arrows surrounded her on every side, whizzing past her only inches from her wings. These were not orc arrows, they were too staight and aimed too well. Looking down with surprise, she sighed in frustration at the Gondorian soldiers who were aiming up at her. "Take it down! Take it down!" They yelled to eachother, deperately loading catapults with stone and aiming them towards her. 

"Can you not see who I am fighting against?" She called down in frustration before quickly lowering herself down below the level of their ammunition to attempt to disuade their attention. Ironically it seemed she would be safer flying among the ranks of orc than she would be attempting to enter into Gondor. She quickly hung her bow behind her and drew her swords, landing a few ranks behind the orc's front line, much to the suprise of the orc around her who were still marching in their ranks into the battle ahead. They stopped and stared at her in confusion, not knowing whether to attack or let her be. 

"He did not inform us that he has any more of you" an orc commander strolled up to her, covered in hideous amounts of blood and gore. Just the sight of him made Avadis even more excited to have his blood layered over her sword. "You're all supposed to be dead" he spat at the ground, looking her up and down.

"Well as you can see, I am not" she replied, and was about to hurl a well crafted insult back at him but he cut her off completely.

"I need you on the front line, go into the city and take them down before my men arrive to clean up your mess."

"You assume too much of me for your own good" she snarled, clutching her swords harder as she walked towards him.

"You would not dare refuse me!" He yelled at her, though in fear he still began to back away as she extended her wings, her eyes gleaming with rage. 

"My refusal of you is the highest of honours" she spat, charging towards him and swinging her swords down onto him. He desperately tried to block her first attack, but her sword dug deep into the side of his shoulder, knocking him off balance and down onto his knees. In an instant she had both of her swords closed in around his neck, her foot pushed against his chest as she forcefully lowered him to the ground. Quickly, she glanced around her, expecting the wave of orcs surrounding them to descend down onto her at any moment. But they only stared at her, a mixture of confusion and amazement. They had obviously heard of her kind before, perhaps they had been told stories of the old war where they had fought side by side. No wonder they were in awe of her. 

Avadis - A legolas story (slow moving!)Where stories live. Discover now