Chapter 11 - Demon

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Little note: Yes there will be elvish coming up, I am using this translator, but I will put the english meanings in brackets afterwards. If you know of a better translator please let me know! :)


After informing Treebeard of all that had gone on, Avadis quickly packed a small bag of anything she might possibly need, especially her paints and book. Then, choosing her nicest looking set of clothes (because she wanted to atleast look like she wasn't there to kill them), she took a deep breath and looked around her home one last time. What am I doing, she asked herself in her mind, am I ready. Avadis shook the thought from her mind. I have to be ready. For Gandalf.

"Be safe" Treebeard said from behind her, "the time... has come... for you to spread your wings... to the skies once... again."

"I will be back soon" she promised him, hoping that she actually would be. Turning to Gwaihir, who was holding Gandalf in his talons, she said, "ready?"

"Always" he replied.


The pair flew in silence, faster and faster to get the wizard to safety. In her mind, Avadis was running back through everything Gandalf had told her about the Lady of Light, making sure she was as prepared as she could be. Be courteous and respectful, you can do this, she reminded herself, bow low to the ground, address them politely.

"You are stressing too much youngling" Gwaihir said flying next to her. "Can you blame me? I have never met an elf before, yet alone be in a whole city of them. Last time I was near these woods they were shooting arrows into my wings."

"That was a lifeage ago. They have changed" he reassured her. "I sure hope so" she replied, looking over at Gandalf's still limp body.


The great forest of Lorien appeared infront of them. Avadis remembered these woods from long ago when she travelled the world alongside her mother. They would take refuge in the trees over night, they were tall and wide, able to shield them from even the most watchful eyes of the elven guards. She was almost excited to see the beautiful lights of the city again, if it wasnt for the grave danger she was putting herself in.

"The trees here are too dense for me to land. I will wait on the edge of the forest" Gwaihir told her. Avadis nodded, taking a deep breath as she hovered just over the edges of the trees. "If I do not return by sunset, take him to Rivendell" she instructed him. "You will return" he said, always remaining the optimist. "I will return" she repeated in a whisper, more to herself than to anyone else. Taking one last look at Gandalf, she lowered her wings and soared in under the canopy of the trees, away from Gwaihir's sight and into the darkness of the forest.

Strange, she thought to herself, I do not remember this place to be so dark. The world must have changed, as Gandalf had told her. For darkness to dare be spreading its arms into this forest though, it must be grave indeed. On she flew, past a few collections of elvish guards who did not hear the silent beat of her wings. She was thankful she had spent so long in her own forest, for she was able to swoop up and down between branches with much greater ease. Finally, she arrived into a great opening which took her breath away.

A great tree stood in the centre, covered with beautiful lights of many colours. The twisted bark curled gracefull along each branch, as if placed there by a master craftsman. Elves dressed in beautiful white and silver walked all along the tree, gracefully quiet, singing and speaking in soft tones that Avadis could barely make out. It was a beautiful place, like nothing she had ever seen in all her exploration of Middle Earth. Gandalf. A voice in her mind shook her back into focus. Find Galadriel. Avadis looked for somewhere she could feel safe to land. She spotted a long flattened platform at the top of the tree and decided that might be a good place to start. As much as she knew the guards there would not appreciate her landing ontop of them, she knew no matter where she was, there would not be a kind welcome.

However, to her surprise, landing on the platform there was not a single guard in sight. It was completely empty. Or so she thought. A voice spoke to her, in a sharp, crackling tone, not from anywhere around her but from within her very mind. "Whui ar cin hi" (Why are you here).

Jumping out of her skin, Avadis turned and searched everywhere around her, not seeing a single person who could have spoken in such a way. "Hello?" she called out, careful to not be too loud in such a quiet place. "Raug! Raug!" (Demon!) a cried came from below, and in seconds Avadis was completely surrounded by elven guards, swords and bows pointed towards her. "Please! I mean no harm!" she pleaded with them, raising her hands and turning in a circle. "I need to speak with the Lady Galadriel, please believe me!"

"Dain úan, ceri- ú- ped- cín sae hi!" (Silence monster, do not speak your poison here!) a guard said, stepping closer towards her. Avadis looked at him stunned, she did not understand their language.

"Please, I am a friend of the wizard Gandalf, he is hurt he needs help!" she cried out, but none of the guards showed any sign of belief.

"Step away" a voice commanded from behind them, instantly draining all of the tension from the air, "let her speak".

Turning slowly, Avadis was met with one of the most beautiful elves she had ever seen. She stood tall and gracefully, her hair flowing from behind a crown of pure starlight. Her dress glowed in a soft light, and her eyes shone like a clear nights sky. For a moment, Avadis was unable to speak as she simply stood and took in the beauty of her. This must be Galadriel, the one he has told me of. Lowering herself to the ground, Avadis bowed and stretched out her wings as wide as she could, a sign of respect. "My lady," she began, "please do not take my arrival to be evil. I come with a heart full of worry for a dear friend." Avadis kept her eyes to the ground, fearing that if she moved she would be killed.

"You speak of Mithradir" Galadriel spoke slowly, taking a step forward. "Guards, leave us" she commanded. Very reluctantly, the guards stepped back, still scowling at her. "Stand" Galadriel commanded her, and Avadis stood to once again face her, still remaining silent. Galadriel looked at her a moment longer, obviously contemplating what to make of her sudden appearance. 

"Tell me."

Avadis - A legolas story (slow moving!)Where stories live. Discover now