Chapter 18 - Filth washing away

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The sun rose on the next day along with good news carried across the forest on the wind through the trees. Gandalf has been seen riding through Fangorn forest towards Isengard, accompanied by others who would be able to aid in the aftermath of the battle. 

"This is... good tidings indeed" Treebeard agreed with Avadis, the pair sat on the steps of the tower, the first time they had been alone together since the battle had ended. The waters lapped gently at the base of the lower stairs, but even overnight the levels had receded dramatically. "The young wizard... will know what to do... about him." Both looked up in the direction of the tower, from where they sat in its shadow at the base. 

"What I would give to just fly up there and finish him myself, if it were not for my lack of... wizardness" Avadis said with her arms crossed. 

"Well I for one... am glad for your lack of... wizardness" Treebeard replied, "it seems one... is more than... enough."

The pair sat in silence, watching around them as a few Ents were lifting rubble and orc bodies from the waters, throwing them into piles to be burned. Finally, Avadis broke the silence, beginning to speak in a whisper as she was very aware of how their voices could carry. "Once Gandalf and his friends arrive, they will sort this place out. He will have good people with him, who will care for you and for the hobbits," Avadis paused a moment, worry stirring in her heart surrounding the new visitors, "I fear them Treebeard."

"Fear them?" Treebeard grumbled, "that is your... past talking."

"I know" she replied quietly, "I am sorry I cannot help but think these things."

Treebeard grunted as he shifted positions to stand and look down on her. "I have taken over... management here... and that means that here... you are safe." 

"Thank you" Avadis said, "can I do anything to help you?" she asked looking around at the mess. It didnt help that most of it was rotting away under the waters. And if she was honest, she did not want to deal with drying her wings today. "Keep watch... over the forest borders... ensure our travelling friends... do not meet... any unwanted company."

"Of course" Avadis said, standing to leave. "Watch the hobbits will you?"

"They move... too quickly" Treebeard complained, making Avadis laugh. 


"Merry! Pippin!" Avadis whispered loudly, shaking the hobbits from their sleep where they lay in the food storage area. She had no doubt they had spent all last night eating and drinking, given the piles of opened boxes and water logged food around the room. Pippin groaned and stretched his arms out, whacking Merry in the face. "Ow!"

"What time is it?" Pippin asked, looking out at the sunlight shining into the room. "Just past 10, you have had a good sleep" Avadis said with a smile, putting a floating keg of beer back onto the shelf and wiping her hands. "I came to tell you I have been placed on watch over the forest..."

"We will come!" Pippin sprung up and interrupted her. "No no Pippin" Avadis laughed, "I have not finished telling you. Your friends Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are riding to meet you here with Gandalf and Theoden King of Rohan. I am on watch to protect their journey through the forest, for we do not know if any orc still survive there."

"Did you hear that Merry?" Pippin exclaimed.

"They are safe!" Merry celebrated with happiness, "this is wonderful news."

"I will be back in a while, but for now I must ask of you both that you are careful not to mention me too much to your friends." Avadis looked at them both, "I will meet them I'm sure, but right now their business is with Saruman and not me."

Merry spoke, "but how can we talk about all that has happened without you? Oh you must meet them at once, they will love you and..."

"I will scare them, Merry." Avadis said with a sigh. It was the truth, whether they liked it or not. "They will have heard the tales passed down from their parents, infact it is likely the elf has seen some of my kind before. And in a place such as this, they will already be wary of evil. Kindness will not be their first thought" Avadis sat down, watching as the hobbit's faces fell. 

"They won't though, because we'll be there to tell them. Gandalf will tell them, and Treebeard." Pippin reached across to hold her hand, "you're not a monster."

"I know Pippin," Avadis smiled kindly down at him, "and I am beyond thankful to the both of you for not seeing me that way. But you must see why I need to be careful. Let them finish their business with the wizard and then I will make my introductions." Avadis stood up and moved towards the door, trying to avoid falling into the water. "But, if you should ever need my help, you know what to do." The hobbits nodded at her and watched as she left before exchanging helpless looks to one another. 


Avadis sat high in the branches, one hand on her bow the other shielding her eyes as underneath a group of horses travelled through the densest part of the forest. She had only found a few orc packs on her way here, and made sure none remained to give Gandalf a clear path forwards. She found it amusing watching the guards of the king, they would ride ahead and scan for enemies, never once looking up into the branches where she (quite obviously) sat. For that reason she was glad she had killed those orc, she was not sure these men would have found them in time. 

As they travelled, they discussed what sounded to her as the aftermath of another battle, fought on the other border of Fangorn forest. I must fly there after this and check on the trees, she made a mental note. Although, from their remarks it seemed the trees there had played their part in the victory also, which was not surprising since those trees were known to be particularly angry towards orc. If Gandalf were not with them, she was sure they would not have travelled into such a forest having seen the trees menacing nature.  

He knew she was watching them. Already they had made eye contact a few times, him giving her the slightest nod as they rode past. It made these new people less frightening knowing there was a wizard on her side. 

Yes, she would speak with them when the time was right. 

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