Chapter 22 - Building foundations

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Avadis woke late the following morning. She groaned and rolled over onto her side, her wings stretched out behind her appreciating a rest after the battle days before. Opening her eyes, she looked out at the sun appearing behind the peaks before shutting them tightly to shield herself from the brightness. When she finally opened them again, she was jump-scared by Gandalf, who loomed over her leaning on his staff. 

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" she muttered, lifting herself up and turning to look at him, still holding a hand over her squinting eyes. Her heart was beating out of her chest. 

"Have you ever heard of breakfast?" he replied with an equal amount of sarcasm, gesturing over to a warm plate of food set on a table under her window. It smelt so good that Avadis completely forgot to ask how he had managed to get in. "I thought I might join you for a morning meal" Gandalf stated as if it had already been agreed on. Knowing there was no point asking any more questions, Avadis dragged herself out of bed and walked over to sit opposite Gandalf, who had evidently already begun to eat. 

"I am sorry I left you yesterday, but I heard you had found someone to keep you company" Gandalf looked up at her, "how did you find Eowyn?"

"She was much better company than I have found from anyone here so far" Avadis replied with a small smile, "we got along well." 

Gandalf paused a moment more, just looking at her. "I should tell you the reason I was not with you yesterday. I spent my time as the new advisor to the king, there are many loose ends that need to be sorted" the wizard paused to sip from his glass before continuing, "but try as I have, he is particularly untrusting towards you. I simply cannot persuade him otherwise, he is too bent on the tales of his ancestors to see what is infront of his own eyes." It was clear Gandalf was annoyed, and Avadis appreciated him caring about her so deeply, for she had little friends in this place besides him. His eyes looked sad, and very tired. He needs to rest

Reaching her hand across the table she laid it gently over his. "My dear friend, it is okay, we knew it was going to be this way" she reassured him, "and no, it does not make it easy, but it is what we should expect." He looked down and shook his head, "I will keep trying until the king understands."

"Do what you feel you must, but do not let such matters interfere between you and the king. There are far greater discussions to be had. They have won the battle for this land, but now they must consider the greater battle ahead of them." Avadis ate the last of her meal before leaning back in her chair, "the king can be as disinterested in me as he wants, as long as he does not show the same disinterest towards the armies of Mordor."

"Perhaps you should be an advisor instead of me" Gandalf chuckled, "you are growing wiser by the minute." 

Avadis raised her eyebrows at him, he was definitely tired, for he was being too nice to her. That never happened. "You need rest Gandalf, have you not slept?" 

"I will rest when there is the time. Which I seem to be running low on of late." he replied, standing and walking to grab his staff. Avadis shook her head, he knew she was right but he was too stubborn to admit it. In that way, they were both very alike. "I will be in the main hall if you need me" he commented placing his hand on her shoulder, "don't do anything I wouldn't" he winked at her before leaving the room. Bold statement from the wizard who only sits around smoking pipe weed. She decided to ignore his advice, instead slipping back into her travelling dress and walking out into the corridor. 


Somehow or another Avadis had found her way out to the front of the great hall. She stood on the corner, looking down at the town, trying to seem as nonthreatening as possible towards the townspeople below. The wind blew her hair across her face, and the sun relentlessly burned her skin. She had forgotten such a feeling having spent the past years under the cover of her forest. Home. She did not allow herself to think of it. She could not miss it yet. 

Avadis - A legolas story (slow moving!)Where stories live. Discover now