Chapter 24 - Who are you

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"Gandalf?" Avadis called into the main hall, which was eerily empty. All of the room, save the stone floor, was made with elaborately carved dark woods, with high windows allowing sunlight to stream downwards and fill the main chamber. The air was musky and old, and dust floated across the sunlight's beams. 

Avadis had not taken the time to appreciate the intricate details when she had first arrived, due to her warm welcome, so she walked over towards one of the wooden columns and traced her hands over some of the carvings. This particular carving was of a great horse, standing on its rear legs with its rider raising his sword high into the air. Above them, the sun was casting beams of light down and around the sword. They use these carvings like a book, she marvelled, trying to read further into the story. Her fingers continued to trace the story, leading her over towards a second column. This one was darker, the figure on the horse was fallen, and his sword lay abandoned on the battlefield. But the sun still shone. 

"What are you doing here?" a deep voice boomed around the room, making Avadis jump back from the column in fright, tucking her hands behind her even though she had nothing to hide. A tall man walked into the room, he had broad shoulders and long, unkept hair. "Forgive me my lord, I was simply..." 

"Do you not realise the importance of this place? It is not for tourists" he spoke sternly, not waiting for Avadis to finish. He walked over into the corner and began to unpack the contents of a bag onto the nearby table. She blinked at him with surprise. Then in a lower voice, she finished her sentence, "I was admiring these carvings, I have never seen such an intricate way of storytelling." 

"They are the tales of my people" he responded gruffly, not stopping his work to look over at her. Avadis watched him closely, unsure of his intentions. He busied himself a while longer, pausing occasionally to open his mouth to speak, before closing it, as if he was fighting a thought in his mind. Avadis moved slowly and sat down on the corner of one of the long tables, her wings tucking conveniently behind the bench. A beam of sunlight crossed over her face, and she glimpsed up at the dust sparkling in the air above her. 

Finally, the man must have decided the speak his mind, because he turned very abruptly and pointed his finger over to her. "What are your intentions here?"

"My intentions?" Avadis repeated, realising possibly for the first time on this whole trip that she had absolutely no plan whatsoever with this place or these people. Luckily for her, the man seemed to have made his mind up for her. 

"I will not let you harm my sister." His voice became low and intimidating, he took a step towards her and into the sunlight. 

"Your sister?" Avadis spluttered, "I'm sorry, who are you?" she asked as politely as she could even though her voice came out much higher than she intended.

"Eomer!" a voice came from the doorway, and Aragorn stepped into the room followed by Gimli and Legolas. Aragorn paused a moment and scanned the room, seeing Eomer looming over Avadis who was shrinking away into the very corners of the bench. "Am I interrupting?" he asked slowly, eyebrows frowning. 

Eomer. Eowyn. Now it made sense. Eowyn has a brother. 

Avadis cleared her throat and quickly replied, "no not at all my lords, I was simply about to discuss my meeting yesterday with the lady Eowyn" she turned back to Eomer, who was obviously becoming annoyed at her jest, "we had a wonderful time. You are truly blessed to have such a woman as your sister, my lord" she finished, relaxing her shoulders and forcing a smile onto her face. 

Eomer's face relaxed slightly, "indeed I am. Thank you for your kind words" he spoke, before nodding his head to the other company and leaving the room.

Avadis - A legolas story (slow moving!)Where stories live. Discover now