Chapter 19 - Show yourself

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Author note
Alright, just wanted to add in that I do go a little from the movies when it comes to fighting Saruman (even though the movies are different to the books anyway). I just thought it would make more sense for Saruman to have at least a couple Uruk-hai in his tower with him and Grima, given that he literally had a whole army a couple days before (and it just makes things a bit more interesting).
Thats all! Hope you're enjoying so far :)


The travelling group arrived to Isengard around midday the following day. Avadis watched from the edge of the now ruined dam along with a few of her Ent friends that were clearing debris. 

"A weird collection they are" another Ent named Maplebrow muttered looking down at the new arrivals who were at the base of the tower. He had travelled from the northern areas of the forest, and was significantly younger and thinner than Treebeard. "Yes indeed" Avadis agreed, squinting her eyes to focus on their faces. "I was following behind them through the woods. The dwarf talks alot, you could hear him from a mile away, and surprisingly seems to be good friends with the elf"

"Thats a sight to see given the... well... circumstances" Maplebrow commented as he heaved a boulder out from the middle of the stream. Strange how such times brings these people together. Avadis did not mean to listen so keenly to their conversation, but on the other hand they were very loud, so she had decided it was not really her fault. 

Aragorn seemed a wise and sincere man, who showed Gandalf respect and spent most of the night in deep discussion with him. If Gandalf trusted him, then she would also. The elf was quieter but always alert, he had made her hiding from them more fun given how his eyes seemed to pierce through the trees. But she had managed, of course. And the dwarf, he was full of merry spirit and stories, with a distinct lack of interest for horses which she could not understand. The stories Gandalf and the hobbits had told her perfectly matched what she had seen of them. Why are you still wary of them Avadis, she wished she wasnt. It made no sense.

"Look, the wizard!" Maplebrow spoke with amazement and Avadis turned her eyes up to the top of the tower before gasping in surprise. There he was, Saruman. Long white gown and a beard very similar to Gandalf, if anything a little neater kept. His back was turned to her, and next to him another figure stood, hunched over with darker clothes. He was no orc, he was a man. Interesting, who are you then?  Despite listening at the door overnight, Treebeard had heard no sign of any life for all this time, and they had assumed it was just the wizard left. Gandalf was yelling something up to him, but she could not make out a single word. If only her ears had the same strength that her eyes had.

Suddenly, six Uruk-hai appeared from an opening ontop of the tower behind Saruman, each holding bows armed with disgusting looking arrows. They cannot see them from down there, Avadis panicked. She ran over to the edge of the boulders where she had left her bow and arrows and began to strap them to her back, looking over to survey the situation. Saruman had stepped back into the tower, and in his place the Uruk Hai were beginning to fire arrows down onto the company below, with only the elf wielding a bow able to defend them. The Ents around her howled and began to run down the hill with boulders in hand ready to throw at the tower. 

Lifting herself into the air, Avadis saw Gandalf deflecting many arrows with his staff, Pippin holding on tight behind his back with fear swelling in his eyes. He lifted a hand up into the air and opened his fist once, twice. Help... I'm coming Pip. 

With a loud cry Avadis flew at full speed down the slope of the dam, her two swords in her hands and bow on her back. Coming up to the tower, she heard Gandalf yell "cease fire! Cease fire!" and the arrows stopped coming from below. "Yes!" Pippin cried from behind him as her shadow flew across them. This was her fight now. The Uruk-hai cried out in surprise before turning to aim their bows at Avadis who was flying full speed towards them with pure hatred in her eyes. 

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