Chapter 33 - A path through the mountains

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High in the skies, Avadis glided in and out of clouds above the company of riders below her. She had no need to actually fly at any great speed since simply gliding with the breeze was already faster than the pace that the horses carried their riders along, so the journey was not tiresome for her in the slightest. She stayed just out of view of those below her, not wanting to draw any attention to any enemy spies who may be studying their movements. While she knew for certain that Sauron knew of her existence, she did not want to reveal to him her choice to travel with the company. 

"What will I do" she whispered outloud to herself, frustratingly shaking her head. She would rather face a hundred orc than the predicament she found herself in. Fighting with weapons was something she could do with ease, but fighting within her mind was something she had no idea how to prepare for. Perhaps her people had known the secret to posessing such skills, but if they had, it had died with them many years ago. She had no hope in any others aiding her in this fight. She was alone.

Perhaps Meneldor was right, and she had a stronger mind than others of her kind. Perhaps this was why she was able to sense Sauron's presence. But sensing it would not be enough, she must learn to refuse it. Only then could she trust herself to combat him. 

"The one time I need Gandalf..." she muttered, looking down through the clouds to the horses below, who were slowing and halting to a circle. Merry lifted a hand up and signalled to her, moving his fingers to create letters of a word. C... a.... m.... b. No, he corrected himself... p. Camp. She smiled at his attempt, he was a quick learner.

She made one last scan of the area for any orc or spies, and when she was satisfied, she tilted her body downwards, flying in a circle until her feet came to rest on the soft grass at the bottom of a steep mountain slope. A narrow path cut up the face of the slope, with small platforms cut into the rock at each point, many with tents set up by men from different regions who had arrived before them. There were a few rows of tents and fences that lined the flats that she had landed on, crowded by men who slowly emerged from their activities to welcome the company. These men stood out from those she had spent the last few months with, because they stared at her with daggers in their eyes, frowning and pointing. The only thing silencing them from slitting her throat was the stubborn dwarf who stood next to her, gripping his axe with both hands. 

"Gimli, be nice." She nudged him with amusement. 

"We leave in 2 days!" The king walked quickly through the rows of tents, followed by Aragorn and Eowyn behind him. Avadis watched him go and her shoulders dropped, the smile quickly disappearing from her face. Leaving was something she had not yet decided upon, and yet with each passing moment her allegience to these people grew stronger, and their desperate need for help grew twice as fast. They had learned to trust her, and in some cruel twist of fate it was now she who could not trust herself. 

"Ah, wipe that worried expression from your face lassie, more men will come, don't you worry! And they have a dwarf and a uh... well... you on their side!" Gimli stomped his axe into the ground and leant against it. Avadis quickly changed her expression and looked down at him with a smile. He did not need to know what truly troubled her. 

"And perhaps another important member which it seems you have forgotten" Legolas strided over with his arms crossed against his chest. He raised his eyebrows first at Gimli and then at Avadis, who quickly pointed her finger at Gimli, directing all the blame back to him. 

"Ah yes, how could I forget. We would be nowhere without the help of our little hobbit friends" Gimli replied, much to the distaste of the elf. Legolas went to respond, but then wisely decided against it, choosing only to shake his head at the dwarf. 

"I will go find this hobbit of ours and ensure he is camped somewhere away from all these staring eyes," Gimli began to walk off through the rows of tents in search of Merry, chuckling to himself as he went. He had a joyfullness about his character which was severely lacking from the others camped nearby. Most worked away silently, passing glances towards eachother. Whether it was uncertainty or fear she could not tell, but either way, these men were not yet ready.

Avadis' mind drifted again, back into the labrynth of her own worry that had built itself into an intricate maze in her mind with no easy way out. 

"... don't you agree?"

Avadis blinked and looked up to Legolas, who had apparently been talking to her the whole time. What on earth did he say to me. "Hmm? Oh umm... yes?" 

"Avadis were you even listening to what I was saying" his eyes betrayed his amusement, but he still had his arms crossed.  

"Just say it again, to remind me" she turned to face him, forcing her eyes to look at his so that she would not be distracted this time. 

"I'm beginning to think that I must take you to have your hearing tested before we leave for battle" he chuckled. 

"My hearing is perfectly fine thank you. I was just thinking about... things. That's all." 

Legolas paused, narrowing his eyes to study her face. He can't find out the truth. He'll tell the others, and then what will they think of me? Just, look happy or something. She flashed him an innocent grin which caused him to roll his eyes and look up the cliff to where the king's closest men had camped at the top. 

"We will be camped up there tonight, with the king" he paused a moment before leaning closer to Avadis. "You have heard what they say, about the pathway through the mountain?"

She squinted her eyes upwards and spotted a narrow strip cut through the rock that would lead into the mountain. She had never been this way before. "No?" she shook her head.

"The Path of the Dead, they call it here. It has a dark story. Many say it is haunted by a cowardly army which abandoned the King of Gondor before the great war, without reason or notice. It is said they remain there until their calling is fulfilled." 

Mention of the old war sent a small shiver down her spine. "And... does this mean the only person to do so is Aragorn, the true king?"

Legolas nodded his head, "I believe so, if the stories are true. I will be watching him carefully while we are here. These tales can easily work their way into the minds of the men who stay here. He must be careful."

"Aragorn is sensible, he does not make decisions based on fear. I trust his judgement as much as I trust yours and Gimli's. If he decides to go, then there must be reason for it." Avadis replied. 

"Indeed" Legolas replied, smiling at her, "you are right. But I worry for him all the same."

"You are a good friend, Legolas. He is lucky to have you with him, as is everyone here. Do not worry, I doubt he would simply vanish without alerting you." She spoke gently to him, trying to offer him some reassurance. This place was full of uncertainty, and she could see it was toying with his mind.

He did not say anything, but looked to the ground and nodded in what seemed to be a reluctant agreement. 

"Now if you will excuse me, I am going to find where I am to stay for the night." She stood backwards a little and spread her wings out, careful not to hit the elf. Nodding to him, she pushed her body off the ground, making the tents flap with the gust of wind and Legolas' hair fly over his face. As she flew towards the king's tents, Legolas watched her with a smile on his face, before brushing away his hair and walking in the same direction to ascend the steep slope. 

Avadis - A legolas story (slow moving!)Where stories live. Discover now