Chapter 13 - Undecided futures

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Gandalf and Avadis stayed a few days more in Lothlorien before beginning their journey back to Fangorn forest. Before leaving, Lady Galadriel gifted to Avadis the beautiful dress she had worn, paired with another travel outfit, specially sewn to fit her, with pockets that could store all she needed to carry. It had a dark hooded cloak that wrapped around her shoulders and down behind her back, fastened with a leaf shaped buckle. A dark red riding dress with a belt of pure silver wrapped around her waist. She felt beautiful. 

Avadis walked with Gandalf to the edge of the forest, enjoying the freedom she had as she walked past the guards without fear. Once at the edge, Gandalf called for his horse Shadowfax, and Avadis took to the skies, agreeing to meet him back at her home in a days time. 


Treebeard was waiting for her return. "Ah... Avadis! You are... alive!" he said, watching her land. "Yes Treebeard I am alive" she laughed, walking over and resting a hand on his arm, "and it is very good to see you again."

"How is... the young... wizard?" he asked, grunting as he sat on a nearby log next to the stream.

"He is well, much better than when you last heard of him. He has become a white wizard now" she told him as she unpacked her belongings from her pockets. Treebeard muttered with surprise, "a white wizard... well that is... a great... achievement." 

"He will be here soon to tell you for himself" she assured him, knowing that her explanations would only make him more confused, as she was still very confused herself. 

"And how... are you?" he asked her, looking concerningly at her new clothes and braided hair. Avadis smiled, "I am well. They treated me with much more kindness than I expected" she paused, "well... once they decided I wasn't going to kill them". 

"I am glad... they decided... that" Treebeard replied, "it seems... the world is... beginning to be ready... for you."

"It seems so" Avadis said with a sigh, "although there is still a long way to go. I am welcome in Lothlorien, yes, but their reaction to me shows there is still fear in the hearts of Middle Earth. A very valid fear, given the times we are in. They are on high alert."

The Ent grumbled a bit more, something about how times change or stupid elves or such like, but Avadis was busy taking out her book and pencil she had kept tucked away in her pocket the whole time. Letting Treebeard talk, she began to sketch what she could remember from Lothlorien, the trees, the elves. But she dared not draw the Lady herself, for she knew that even with her skill she would not be able to do the beauty of Galadriel justice. Occasionally Treebeard would pause, and Avadis would look up and say something like "yes yes, continue" to send him back on his tangent. Avadis sighed as she listened. Ents were an interesting bunch, but she loved them all the same. 


A short while later, Gandalf appeared in the forest. Together the three shared a meal over dinner, or at least Treebeard watched as they ate. Gandalf tried to explain to Treebeard and Avadis all about the wizards and their order, but after realising he did not make much sense himself, he dismissed it as being 'beyond comprehension'.

What was not beyond comprehension however, was the incredibly confusing situation the pair were now in. 

"Where will you go now that your company has departed?" Avadis mumbled, biting into a piece of bread. Gandalf rolled his eyes at her bad manners. "I do not know" he replied, "my path is clouded from me."

"Would it not be best to find Frodo? After all he is the one you swore to protect" she suggested. But Gandalf shook his head. "Frodo is not alone. Sam would have gone with him, bless the lad. It is best now that the small things of the world go unnoticed. I would only bring more attention to them."

"So then your path lies with Aragorn? Should you ride for Gondor... or Rohan?" Avadis asked. She particularly loved Rohan because of the large amount of horses, but she did not add that bit out loud. Gandalf only sighed a bit longer, deep in thought. "I will remain here until my path becomes clear" he decided. 

"Then I will stay here also" Avadis decided. Part of her wanted to return to Lothlorien and spend more time learning the ways of elves. Their language confused her, and she wanted to learn their crafts. But that would be for another time, now she must remain with Gandalf as Lady Galadriel had said. 

"Let us hope" Avadis stood up, "that whatever your path may be, it will be one that does not involve any more evil wizards or monsterous balrogs. I cannot keep rescuing you from the brink of death by flying in on an eagle" she said with her hands on her hips looking sternly at the old man. "I hate to have to pull the age card, but I am older than you and therefore you must do as I say young man" she said humerously, poking him with her finger. Gandalf laughed, a deep genuine laugh that made Avadis see that despite all the 'white wizard' business, he was still Gandalf.

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