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There stood a small bakery in the middle of New York City. In that bakery lived a woman named Hosanna, Hosanna has always wanted to do something that made other people happy. So, once she got her business license, she bought a house that was connected to a small cafe and turned it into a bakery.

It was nice, on its first day of opening people were surprised to see how spacious the inside was with the tables and chairs. If you prefer to eat outside, there are also some benches outside with an umbrella in the middle.

Hosanna was happy to name the place Dough Bakery because she loves making all kinds of pastries and delicious sweets.

But being a baker wasn't always Hosanna's plan. 


10-year-old Hosanna

A young green-eyed girl was shopping with her mother, "Mom, what are we making for dessert tonight?" The girl asks her mother.

"Hm, I was thinking some kind of pie would be nice. How does that sound?"  Mrs. Foster asked her daughter.

"That sounds amazing!" 

The woman chuckled as she put the pancake mix inside the cart, "What kind of pie do you think we should make so we can have the ingredients?"

"Dad likes blackberry pie, so I think we should make that!"

"That's a great idea, Hosanna. Let's go buy the ingredients for the pie."

"I'll push the cart!" Hosanna said.

"Thank you, that's kind of you." Mrs. Foster kept walking while Hosanna pushes the cart behind her. Hosanna and her mother are done with their shopping and are now leaving the store. The two are walking to their car when Hosanna eyes spot a young boy no older than five.

"Hey, mom?" Hosanna tugs on her mother's dress.

"What is it dear?"

"Why is that little boy all alone over there?" Hosanna points in the direction and Mrs. Foster looks to see a small boy sitting on the sidewalk alone.

"I wonder what someone as young as him is doing out here all alone." Mrs. Foster frowns and walks over to him with Hosanna close behind.

"Excuse me young man." 

The boy spun his head around at the sound of the woman's voice. Hosanna frowned when she saw his face, it was dirty and the look in his eyes says that he's been through some things. "I'm sorry for scaring you. My name is Erissa Foster, and this is my daughter, Hosanna Foster."

The boy looked at them confused.

"Hosanna saw you sitting here, and it wouldn't feel right for me to go on my merry way without seeing if you have someone to watch you. Are you parents nearby?  Or do you have some other kind of guardian with you?" 

He doesn't say anything instead he stared into the strange woman's dark brown eyes. Her curly black hair dripping from both sides of her shoulders. Her eyes held so much concern and the girl next to her held the same.

He didn't know what to say, should he tell them? 

Will they even care?

Maybe the woman's pretending to care but then why does her eyes hold so much emotion?

These were the things going through his mind.

Hosanna glanced toward her mother when the boy didn't respond. She never liked seeing kids on the street and without parents, the thought of any child suffering overwhelms her heart with unbearable sadness. She's grateful to have parents that love her unconditionally, one day she wants to be a foster parent and show children what it's like to be loved, truly and the best love there is, is the love of God.

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